Page 46 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 46

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


      Bryan Kumar –

Bryan Kumar is the author of several well-known
marketing products, including the popular title "Email
Marketing Strategies Revealed!" and his most recent work,
Money & Power: Interview With A Crazy Marketing

His various products have received rave reviews from some
great, well-respected marketers like Allen Says, Jonathan
Mizel, Yanik Silver, Jimmy D. Brown, Tom Hua, and many

He is the owner / webmaster of http://www.about- and several other sites. He is best known for
simplifying complicated strategies and concepts, and is a big
advocate of automation, systemization and multiplication.
He believes that "time" is your most precious commodity. By
systemizing and multiplying your business, you can reach
your goals a lot sooner and much more cost effectively.

Bryan has been online since 1995 and started marketing on
the web shortly thereafter. Prior to that, he was in the direct
response / mail order business. His other significant careers
have included: martial arts/self-defense instructor,
hypnotist, and 'success coach.'


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