Page 48 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 48

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Answer: By Bryan Kumar

Day 1: The first day is the most important day of all. It's
about finding your center and creating the right mindset!

This is extremely important! You can have the best tools and
strategies at your disposal. But if you have a poor mindset,
those tools and strategies will not do you much good.

If you want to succeed, you have to pull out all the stops
and use all that you have. And your mind is the greatest
asset you possess.

First of all, realize the simple fact that every problem is
really an opportunity in disguise. Think about it...Most of the
people in this world are stuck at dead-end jobs that they
absolutely hate. And they can't gather up enough courage to
just drop it and go after their dreams because, let's face it,
it's pretty darned scary. How do you give up 9 to 5 job, as
much as you hate it and as little as it pays, to step out into
the unknown? Most people just can't do it.

But here we are, forced into this situation. And the
opportunity? Well, we have to opportunity here to start
from scratch! We don't have to pick just another job and
get stuck in it again. We have a chance to pick something
that we actually enjoy doing! I mean, what's the worse that
can happen? We'll no longer have what you don't have right
now anyway?


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