Page 461 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 461

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


copywriter, you can get some helpful input from the forum
posters, and implement their suggestions.

Day 18: This is the day you will contact your possible Joint
Venture partners. Your letter should introduce you, your
product, and your intent - to share your revenue with them,
50/50, if they promote it to their own subscribers,
customers and visitors. Make sure that all your letters imply
urgency (e.g. "please let me know how soon you'll be able to
run the ad, as timing is of the essence"). Please, refer back
to Day 4 for tips on how to find JV partners.

Day 19: Contact the experts that contributed to your
product, and offer them the same JV partnership.
Obviously, they already have a database of clients and
customers who are interested in this type of product. Today
you should also write your press release. To learn how to
write a good press release, just do a search on
for "how to write a press release".

Day 20: Now it is time to send out your press release.
Spend this day by searching for relevant magazines,
newspapers and online newsletters to send it to. Use to come
up with a list of editors' and publishers' names send them
your press release.

Day 21: After making some sales, contact your customers
with a question: “what did you find the most helpful in this


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