Page 458 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 458

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


       The best way to write your own sales copy without
       hiring a professional copywriter is to take a "crash
       course" in copywriting. Just do a search on for "how to write a sales copy" and
       read a few articles that teach you how to do this.
       This article is a great place to start: "The Art of
       Writing Effective Web Site Sales Copy".

Day 14: In the mean time, call local organizations - a
library, a newspaper, Chamber of commerce, women’s
network, local colleges, or any other organization whose
members can benefit from your knowledge - and offer to
give a workshop on the topic of your expertise. The
workshop ideally would be paid, but even if not, you could
still gain some consulting clients.

When you contact these organizations, be sure to start with
"Hi, I am the author of 'Job Interview Tips for College
Graduates' and wanted to see if you'd be interested in a
workshop for your students." In other words, gain an
instant credibility by telling them you are an author. You
can also offer to bring them a copy of your report - just
print out all the pages, and go to a local print shop to get it
bound, with a clear plastic cover on top. Make at least 10-
20 copies so you have something to bring to the workshop
with you, as well.


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