Page 453 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 453

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


       Example: when I did a search for "job interview"
       on, I came across two books called
       "101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview
       Questions" by Ron Fry, and "The Interview
       Rehearsal Book" by Deb Gottesman. Both books
       are rated very high by their readers. These are
       the people I will send out my letter to. After e-
       mailing my invitation to every expert on my list, I
       will call each one to confirm that they received it
       (although I might wait until tomorrow, to hear
       from them first).

Day 4: Follow up with each expert. If you didn't hear from
the ones that you really wanted to participate, re-send your
invitation explaining that they will get an opportunity to
promote their business and products to hundreds (and
potentially, thousands) of people who read their answers.
Ask everyone who responded whether they'll be able to get
back to you with their answers by the end of the week. If
not, pick another expert. While you are waiting for the
experts to get back to you, begin looking for companies,
web sites and business owners to set up a joint venture
with. My list will include relevant newsletter publishers, web
site owners with high traffic rankings, and business owners
with possibly large customer database. Be sure to look at
trade associations to see if your new product will be of
interest to their members.


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