Page 455 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 455

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


An important note here. Searching and research is probably
the most time-consuming and exhausting process. You may
feel tired and ready to give up. In that case, switch to
another activity and continue your search later. A thorough
research, however, will pay off when you start contacting
your possible JV partners and getting their attention!

Day 5: As you are still waiting for replies from the experts,
write an article with an attractive title. The article will be
focused on the solution to the problem that you found to be
most pressing on the forums. Your article should state the
problem, and offer a brief solution, which is actually only a
"tip of an iceberg" - the product itself will offer a more
complete solution. After the article is complete, go to, search for various discussion lists where
this problem may be discussed, and join them.

       Example: I type in "job interviews" in their search
       box and come up with "successful_interviews",
       "Madrasjobs", and "Quesion-Bank" groups each
       with hundreds of members. A great start. I also
       do a search for "articles" to find all the lists that
       accept articles and join them, as well.

Days 6-9: Hopefully you will hear from the experts, receive
their replies and begin to read and process them. Your new
product can be a "Q and A" based on the answers you


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