Page 450 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 450

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Answer: By Milana Leshinsky

This 30-day survival plan is focused on ultra-fast
product creation and intensive marketing. To
implement this plan, no investments are required -
only your time.

This plan is excellent, especially for anyone who
enjoys writing. I strongly recommend to read this
plan to the very end before proceeding, to make sure
you don't miss anything, and understand what's

Research and Preparation

Day 1: List up to 3 of your interest areas that you also have
some extensive background in, go to and locate
busy message boards focused around these areas. Spend a
few hours on these boards reading people's posts, to get a
feel for what kind of problems these people are trying to
solve. Pick a problem that stands out as the most common.

       Example: my area of interest is careers (job
       search, resumes, interview process, negotiating a
       salary, headhunting, transition, etc.). I do a
       search on for "careers message
       board" and find a popular form on
       Out of about 15 message boards there,


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