Page 463 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 463

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


       A teleclass is simply a class conducted over the
       telephone. You can get a free bridge line from and give the
       number to everyone who signs up. Prepare for
       this teleclass as you would for a regular class or a
       workshop. For more detailed information about
       teleclasses, please visit this site.

Days 27-30: Continue to search for JV partners, newsletter
publishers, and organizations with large lists, and send each
one your letter of JV proposal. It's important to use JVs as
your main method of marketing as it is the quickest way to
make sales. When you agree on a deal with your new
partner, you may actually start seeing sales within a day or
two! Refer back to Day 4 for information on how to identify
good JV partners.

Month 2 and beyond....

Following this 30-day plan will definitely improve your
financial situation. But that's not all! You can use the skills
and resources you've gained over that time to grow your
own Internet business. Except now it's going to be a lot
easier - you already have a product, a web site, JV partners,
a database of customers, and much more time. Here are a
few important things you should be doing at this time, to
improve your financial state and grow a full-blown Internet


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