Page 493 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 493

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


So day 1, seeing I’m naturally lazy I’d leaf through my book
Mini Site Profits again to make sure I didn’t miss out on any
techniques I’ve detailed, then I’d sit back and think about
what I want to build the sites about.

Day 2: Now down to serious work. Mini sites can be about
anything, so you’ve got 2 choices – you can build sites
around things that interest you, or you can follow the money
and build sites around what’s likely to make more sales. If
you want to eventually grow your mini sites into bigger
content sites it’s best to follow your passions and build sites
around your interests, hobbies, and knowledge, so that you
don’t get bored with them. But for now let’s stick to
following the money. I think it’s best to stay away from the
Internet marketing niche which is massively overcrowded
and find something else to sell. I wrote about the
importance finding and profiting from your own niche in
issue 248 of my long running ezine.

So Day 2 I’d spend researching what sells online. We’re not
talking keyword research here, though that comes into it.
We’re looking at what’s hot, what people are buying right

I’ve found that the very best way to do this is sign up for an
affiliate account at Commission Junction. Then click on Get
Links and you’re taken into a directory of affiliate programs.


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