Page 496 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 496

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


account so I like to use it whenever possible. In my book
there’s a long list of very low cost webhosts quite a few of
them costing only $1 a month. There’s even a free one
which displays no ads on your site, but it’s only about 96%
reliable so I can’t really recommend it. 96% sounds ok, but
if Google comes crawling while the site is down you’ll be
dropped from its listings. So personally I wouldn’t take the

Anyway, I’d grab a domain name based on the keywords the
product is about. With cell phones I’d pick a name with cell
phones in it, and use dashes so the search engines can read
it. A keyword rich domain name won’t give you much
advantage, but every little counts. When you get a domain
name it’s important that you point the name servers to the
web host you’ve chosen so that your site will filter around
the web as quickly as possible.

Day 5 Next comes keyword research, though naturally you’d
be doing a bit of this as you go along. You wouldn’t want to
start out researching a product that no one is searching, eg
false dog ears, Anyway, for keyword research - and by that I
mean finding the exact search terms that people are using
to look for the products or services you want to sell – I tend
to use Word tracker. It’s not free, but you can sign up for
just a week at a time and do a lot of research in that time.


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