Page 497 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 497

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


As an alternative you could use the free Good Keywords
software, or the free service at Overture, the Overture
Search Term Suggestion Tool. Make a folder on your hard
drive called Mini sites, and a folder inside that called
Keyword. Save all your keyword research into separate files
in that folder.

Day 6 Now we get down to the site building, which is really
the hard part of all this. It needn’t be too hard though. In
one week, recently, I put up 4 new mini sites. I could have
done more but I had other work to attend to. Ok, so open
your favorite web building program (Frontpage,
Dreamweaver, etc) or if you’re a complete beginner at this
you could use David Orme’s Instant site Builder which lets
you build a small mini site with no prior web building
knowledge. It’s around $30 from www.instant-site-, but a good tip is to sign up for the Free
Software Forever package, which for a one time cost of $39
gives you over 70 products including David’s site builder.

When I’m building mini sites I tend to collect bits and pieces,
including images, off the merchants website, then rewrite
the words to avoid duplicating the copy on the merchant

Day 7 Just in case you’re a beginner at building sites I’ll
allow you two days to work on your important front page.


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