Page 500 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 500

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


every paragraph works best. Some people might consider
this spamming, but it works well for me.

One way to produce content for your site is to study what
the competition is doing. Spend some time on sites selling
the product you’re hoping to make sales of and work out
what they’re doing and what kind of copy (works…articles)
they’re using.

Try and come up with something similar but different – and
use your own words. Don’t steal content.

This is really the hardest part of site building. But after
you’ve built one site the others get easier.

Day 13. Now it’s time to put the finishing details to your
site. The first thing to do is run a spell check on all the
content and make sure you’ve made no mistakes. Now
check and recheck, and recheck again that your affiliate
links are working properly.

Give each page a good strong title which uses the keywords
you want the page to rank well for. These keywords should
be the one’s you’ve used twice in each paragraph of the


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