Page 501 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 501

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


page. also work on the description of the page in the meta

Next check that all the internal links and make sure
everything is working fine.

Day 13. Right, your site is finished and ready for uploading
to your new web host. When you signed up with a host on
Day 4 you’ll will have been given an FTP account, so you
now use it to FTP your pages to the new host.

When the site’s been loaded you should be able to type the
domain name in and view it in your web browser while
connected to the net. Go through each page again to make
sure everything on the site is working correctly. Make sure
every image you’re used is appearing, and that all the links

When you’re certain everything is fine add the page to the
Google database. You can do this at If you spend some
time in the search engine forums you’ll notice many experts
advising against adding your page in this way and say that
you should link to it from another of your web site and allow
Google to find the new site itself. This is a bit difficult to do if


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