Page 521 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 521

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 3 – Continuing to Compile a List of Possible
Product Ideas. I’m looking for possible software and
ebook solutions. I want to compile a list of 10 possible
“opportunities.” I’m also posting a question or two on each
forum to try and flush out some additional details about
each “opportunity.”

I’m checking to see if there are other solutions
already available. If there are, I’m *bookmarking* each
site, as I want to come back to them for further analysis.

I’ve shortened my list to the top three product ideas. These
are ideas with the following characteristics:

   1) Show a lot of recent interest (from the forums)

   2) Do not have a lot of competition

   3) Appear could be implemented rather quickly

What I need now is some additional “input” from other
sources to confirm the need for a particular solution or
product. I need to run a survey.

Day 4 – Setting Up a Survey. Setting one up is fairly
easy. I can sign up with a company like
and use their free service or pay a small fee ($19.95/month)


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