Page 522 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 522

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


and have more options. The free service will give me 100
responses max per survey. The paid service will give me
1000 responses. I’ll use the free service and see how the
responses go. I can always upgrade and pay $19.95 for one
month of service to allow more responses if necessary.

The beauty of using a company like is
the inexpensive price, survey customization, results
maintained on their system, and they have tools to quickly
tabulate the results online. I want to keep the survey
questions focused and fairly short, say 6 questions or less. I
don’t want a long-winded survey.

In the survey I’ll start with a brief description of the product
and describe the benefits of saved time, saved money,
increased profits, do more in less time, etc. All key benefits
that any product should target.

I’ll ask the following questions:

      1) How interested are you in a product like this? The
   choices are: very interested, interested, or not interested.

      2) What type of media would you like to receive the
   product in? The choices are: PDF, audio tapes, video,
   CD-ROM, email courses, other

      3) What price would you pay for a product like this?
   Leave this open-ended or provide a range of $10-19, $20-
   $29, $30-$39, etc.


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