Page 14 - E-Modul News Item Text (New Multimedia)_Neat
P. 14

The 3rd Meeting                        Tujuan Pembelajaran

                  3.1  Peserta didik dapat Membedakan unsur kebahasaan teks teks news item lisan dan tulis
                       dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV.

                  3.2 Peserta didik dapat menemukan berbagai informasi yang terdapatdalam teks news item
                       lisan  dan  tulis  dengan  memberi  dan  meminta  informasi  terkait  berita  sederhana  dari
                       koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

                  7.1  Peserta didik dapat Memodifikasi teks news items lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita
                       sederhana koran/radio/TV.
                  7.2  Peserta  didik  dapat  menyusun  teks  news  items  lisan  dan  tulis,  dalam  bentuk  berita
                       sederhana koran/radio/TV.

                 Activity 1         Read the headline news below. Then, choose the best picture describes the news.

                    Two dead as Japan orders 670,000 to flee heavy rains
                  Two people were confirmed dead on Wednesday as heavy rains
               pounded  southwest  Japan,  prompting  flood  and  landslide
               warnings, and orders for 670,000 people to seek safety.
                     Nearly  a  million  more  people  were  advised  to  leave  their
               homes  after  the  country's  weather  agency  raised  the  alert  to
               its highest level for parts of northern Kyushu.

                      A                         B                      C                        D

                 Activity 2         Read the short news and find the appropriate headings.

              Scan The QR Codes to listen the news

               News 1                           News 2                          News 3

               News 4                           News 5                          News 6


                              English For Brighter Future, For Tenth Grade Of SMA Negeri 1 Anjongan By Ajerin Karim, S. Pd
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