Page 12 - E-Modul News Item Text (New Multimedia)_Neat
P. 12

3.    Part of  Wicklow Park and the surrounding    c.  ... as Defense Forces confirm it was a
                        roads were closed off by the police …           hoax call-out.

                4.    “The police along with the Defence Forces    d.   ... what it thought was a suspicious
                        Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit                  device in part of Wicklow Park,
                        examined a suspicious package near  the           outside London, on Thursday.
                        pond …

                 Activity 5           Undersatand the text below and answer the following questions.

                Iron Block Falls at Apartment Project Site in S. Jakarta,

                                                    Killing One

                  An  iron  block  from  the  Pasar  Rumput  Rusunawa  (low-cost
              apartment)  construction  site  in  South  Jakarta  fell  on  Sunday
              morning, killing a woman.
                  Witness  Nurhayati,  who  sells  staple  food  near  the  project
              site, told The Jakarta Post that Tarminah, 54, was wearing blue
              head-scarf when passing in front of her shop before the accident
                  “I  can’t  remember  the  details.  I  immediately  closed  my  shop
              and  returned  home  when  people  started  to  crowd  the  area,”  she
              said,  adding  that  Tarminah  was  rushed  to  Cipto  Mangunkusumo
              Hospital in Central Jakarta.
                The accident happened at 9:25 a.m. when suddenly an iron block
              fell from the construction site and hit her on the head.
                M. Dopi, a community unit head in the area, said Tarminah was
              hit by a three-meter-long iron block and died at the scene.
                “Several police officers appeared at the site soon after the
              incident  occurred.  Tarminah  was  immediately  rushed  to  Cipto
              Mangunkusumo  Hospital  [in  Central  Jakarta]  and  the  iron  block
              [that hit Tarminah] was taken to Setiabudi police station,” Dopi
              said as quoted by
                  The  Pasar  Rumput  low-cost  apartment  construction  project  has
              been  halted  for  investigation.  The  project  developer,  state-
              owned construction firm PT Waskita Karya, has apologized for the
                People at the scene covered the spot where Tarminah was killed
              with newspapers and blocks of wood.

                  Adopted from:
                                                       project-site-in-s-jakarta-kills-one.html (March 19, 2018)


                      English For Brighter Future, For Tenth Grade Of SMA Negeri 1 Anjongan By Ajerin Karim, S. Pd
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