Page 7 - E-Modul News Item Text (New Multimedia)_Neat
P. 7

Activity 6        Listen to recording again and imitate the radio broadcaster reading the news. Remember! //
                                    is for a pause / for a short pause.

              Good morning, // I'm Gusti Madeswara / and this is Morning Report on
              National  Radio.  //  Dear  listeners,  /  Morning  Report  will  bring  you
              interesting  news  /  over  the  next  half  hour.  //  The  first  news  comes
              from Jakarta. // The Government has warned officials against holiday
              hangovers. // The Administrative Reforms Minister said / that all civil
              servants across the nation must return to work on Monday / after
                                                                                                   Scan me
              having  nine  days  off  /  to  celebrate  Idul  Fitri.  //  Civil  servants  began
                                                                                                 if you want to
              their days off / on Saturday, August the third. // The Idul Fitri public
                                                                                                listen the radio
              holidays  fall  on  August  the  eighth  /  and  ninth.  //  Many  private
              companies will also resume business on Monday. // “Nine days is quite
              a long holiday. // Civil servants should be fully recharged by then / to

              provide  maximum  public  services  on  Monday.  //  There  will  be  no
              tolerance  for  missing  work  that  day,”  //  the  Minister  said  /  in  a
              statement  released  /  by  the  Cabinet  Secretariat  on  Sunday.  //
              Listeners,  /  we’ll  be  back  with  Morning  Report  /  after  the  following
              advertisement. // Stay tuned to 101.99 kilohertz /National Radio. //

                  Activity 7        Practice reading the news in front of the class.

               No                                     Criteria                                     Score

               1.     Pronunciation (the way a word is spoken)                                      0 - 6

               2.     Intonation ( the rise and fall of the voice in speaking)                      0 - 3

               3.     Clarity in speaking                                                           0 - 6

               4.     Pause ( a temporary stop in a news reading                                    0 - 3

                                                                              Maximum Score          18

                                                  The Score Obtained   Expert   : 90-100
             Student’s Score =  ----------------------------     X 100  Good mastery  : 80 -89
                                                   The Maximum Score (18)
                                                                       Insufficient mastery : 70 – 79          6
                                                                       Poor    : ≤ 69

                      English For Brighter Future, For Tenth Grade Of SMA Negeri 1 Anjongan By Ajerin Karim, S. Pd
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