Page 6 - E-Modul News Item Text (New Multimedia)_Neat
P. 6

Listen to a radio broadcaster hosting a radio program. While you are listening to the news,
                  Activity 5        please pay attention to the news typescript provided. Then, complete the table with the
                                    information from the monolog.

              Good morning, I'm Gusti Madeswara and this is Morning Report
              on National Radio. Dear listeners, Morning Report will bring you
              interesting news over the next half hour.  The first news comes

              from  Jakarta.  The  Government  has  warned  officials  against
              holiday  hangovers.  The  Administrative  Reforms  Minister  said                    Scan me
              that all civil servants across the nation must return to work on                   if you want to

              Monday  after  having  nine  days  off  to  celebrate  Idul  Fitri.  Civil         listen the radio

              servants  began  their  days  off  on  Saturday,  August  the  third.                  news
              The Idul Fitri public holidays fall on August the eighth and ninth.
              Many  private  companies  will  also  resume  business  on  Monday.
              “Nine days is quite a long holiday. Civil servants should be fully

              recharged  by  then  to  provide  maximum  public  services  on
              Monday. There will be no tolerance for missing work that day,”
              the  Minister  said  in  a  statement  released  by  the  Cabinet
              Secretariat  on  Sunday.    Listeners,  we’ll  be  back  with  Morning

              Report after the following advertisement. Stay tuned to 101.99
              kilohertz National Radio.

              a. The name of the radio station

              b. The radio frequency

               c. The name of the host

              d. The name of the radio program

              e. The topic

              f.  The informan                                                                                 5

                      English For Brighter Future, For Tenth Grade Of SMA Negeri 1 Anjongan By Ajerin Karim, S. Pd
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