Page 1 - Vestibular
P. 1


Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy

Our Senses And Balance
We all have different senses to
tell us where we are in space.
Our eyes tell us where we are
with respect to the visible
horizon and the objects around
us. Our sense of feel, especially
through our feet, tells us about
the surface we are standing on
and how we are moving in
relation to it. Our vestibular system, or inner ear,
gives us information about where our heads are
moving in space. With this information, our eyes
can coordinate with the head motion so our vision
stays in focus when we move. Also, vestibular informa-
tion is important in balance control. The information
from all our senses work together to help us know
where we are in space. Problems with one or more
of these senses can create imbalance and in many
cases, a sense of dizziness. True vertigo, or spinning,
can occur when there is an imbalance in the inner
ear - when the signals from the right inner ear do
not match those from the left.
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