Page 3 - Vestibular
P. 3

• Turn lights on at night. Keep a good flashlight on
hand in case of emergencies, and make sure you have
at least one on each level of your home.
• If you get an episode, try to keep your composure.
Keep breathing evenly in and out.
• Stop and put yourself in a safe position. If you are
driving, pull over. If you’re standing, try to sit or
lay down. If you absolutely cannot sit, try to lean
against a table, stand with your back in a corner,
lean against a wall.
• Try to focus your vision on something stationary.
• Keep breathing evenly in and out.
• Sometimes a cold pack on the forehead or back
of the neck can help ease nausea in some people.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention If:
• Symptoms become severe
• Symptoms include any of the following: the inability
to stand, a severe headache, limb weakness and/or
numbness, difficulty speaking/ slurred speech, or
doubling or darkening of the vision.
• If there is chest pain or heaviness.
• If the person faints or passes out.
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