Page 5 - Specialised First Foreign Language 1
P. 5

suitcases or other bags in which to pack

                                         Luggage         personal belongings for traveling.

                                                         a roadside hotel designed primarily for

                                         Motel           motorists

                                         Packaging       materials used to wrap or protect goods.

                                                         a traveler on a public or private conveyance

                                         Passenger       other than the driver, pilot, or crew.

                                                         a way or course is taken in getting from a

                                         Route           starting point to a destination.

                                                         a case with a handle and a hinged lid, used
                                                         for carrying clothes and other personal

                                         Suitcase        possessions.

                                                         a route all the way around a particular place

                                         Tour            or area

                                         Travel          Change Location

                                                         move about aimlessly or without any

                                         Roam            destination

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