Page 9 - Specialised First Foreign Language 1
P. 9

Sunset          A place where the sun sets between the

                                           Point           mountains

                                                           someone whose job it is to show tourists

                                           Tour            around a place and explain its history,

                                           Guide           architecture etc

                                                           the business of providing services for

                                           Tourism         people who are traveling for their holiday

                                                           someone who is visiting a place on

                                           Tourist         holiday

                                           Tourist         a place to visit that is very popular with

                                           Attraction      tourists

                                                           an official organization in a country or
                                           Tourist         area that encourages tourists to visit that

                                           Board           country or area

                                           Tourist         a place that is visited by many tourists

                                           Trap            and is therefore crowded and expensive.


                                           Agency          a company that organizes holiday tours.

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