Page 13 - Specialised First Foreign Language 1
P. 13

Business  Travel  or  Business  Events:  Travel  for

                                            commercial  rather  than  leisure  purposes.  Business

                                            travel is sometimes used as a cover-all to include what

                                            are  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  “MICE”  markets  –

                                            meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions

                                            Business  travel:  Travel  for  a  purpose  and  to  a

                                            destination  determined  by  a  business,  and  where  all

                                            costs are met by that business.

                                            Business Travel: Travel of 1: 365 days duration for the

                                            purpose  of  attending  a  convention  or  training,

                                            conducting official/government or private business.

                                            carrier:  transportation  company  such  as  an  airline,

                                            motorcoach,  cruise  line,  or  railroad  which  carries

                                            passengers and/or cargo

                                             carrying  capacity:  the  amount  of  tourism  a

                                            destination can handle.

                                            Carrying capacity: The amount of visitor activity that

                                            a site or destination can sustain.

                                            cash  flow:  monies  available  to  meet  the  company’s

                                            daily  operating  expenses,  as  opposed  to  equity,

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