Page 15 - Specialised First Foreign Language 1
P. 15

Ecotourism: Ecologically sustainable tourism with a

                                            primary focus on experiencing natural areas that foster

                                            environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation

                                            and conservation.

                                            educational tour: tour designed around an educational

                                            activity, such as studying art.

                                            group tour: a pre-arranged, pre-paid travel program for

                                            a  group  usually  including  all  components.  Also  see

                                            packaged tour.

                                            guide:  (1)  a  person  qualified  to  conduct  tours  of

                                            specific localities or attractions (many reliable guides

                                            are  licensed),  (2)  an  airline,  bus,  railroad,  or  ship

                                            manual  of  schedules  and  fares,  usually  printed


                                            guided tour: a local sightseeing trip conducted by a


                                            high  season:  the  period  of  the  year  when

                                            occupancy/usage of a hotel or attraction is normally the

                                            highest. High usage invariably means higher prices for

                                            rooms or admission. Also referred to as on-season or

                                            peak season.

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