Page 10 - Specialised First Foreign Language 1
P. 10
Travel someone whose job is to help people plan
Agent holidays and make travel arrangements.
Well- a well-traveled place is visited or used by
traveled many people
watching the activity of watching whales
Accommodation capacity: The measure of
accommodation stock at a defined destination. May be
given by various different measures: e.g. number of
establishments; number of main units within an
establishment (e.g. rooms, caravan stances); capacity in
terms of residents (e.g. bedspaces).
adventure tour: a tour designed around an
adventurous activity such as rafting or hiking
Adventure tourism: A form of tourism in natural areas
that incorporates an element of risk, higher levels of
physical exertion, and the need for specialised skills.
agent: one who acts or has the power to act as the
representative of another. Most frequently in travel