P. 23
Suppressed anger:
This is where you prevent yourself from expressing anger.
Repressed anger:
This is where you control strong emotions of anger and don’t allow them to be expressed to the
point where the feelings of anger seem nonexistent.
Expressed anger:
This is where you let out your feelings of anger in feats of rage.
Confessed anger:
This is where you let know your feelings of anger to another person.
Confessed Anger:-
The bible clearly states that we ought to be practical about anger. Eph. 4:26 says, “In your anger do
not sin”
We are also encouraged to confess our sins to one another. To push the envelope further, the bible
warns us not to “Let the sun go down while we are still angry”
If we do so, we give the enemy a foothold, vs. 27 “And do not give the devil a foothold.”
Progression Of Unconfessed Anger:-
This is the unwillingness to forgive other people when they have done something wrong.