Page 161 - The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin_Neat plip book
P. 161

Once    you   understand    where   you   lie   on   thi s   spect rum ,   the   nex t   step   is   to
                become     self-sufficient   by   creating   your    own   ins pi ring   condi tions .   Kaspa rov

                triggered  his  zone  by  acting  confident  and  then   creating  the  condi tions   on  the
                chessboard    and   a   dynamic   with   his   oppo nen t   in   whi ch   he   pl ayed   hi s   be st.
                Miller  talked  with  Spike  Lee  until  he  go t  fired  up.  When   Spi ke  wasn’t  around,
                Reggie  still  liked  to  play  the  bad   guy.  In   fact  he   was  at  hi s  very  be st  in   the

                playoffs on the road,  competing in a stadium  filled with  hostile fans.  If the  fans
                weren’t  hostile,  he  might  goad  them   into  hating     him.  Reggi e  thr ived   as  the
                villain and triggered these conditions  when ever he n eeded  a boost.
                    But   how   do   you   play   your   best   when    ther e   is   no    one   around   to   pr ovide

                motivation?  There  is  no  cookie-cutter  mold  to  inspi ration.  Ther e  is,  ho wever,  a
                process  we  can  follow  to  discover  our   uni que   path.  Fi rst,  we  cul tivate  The  Soft
                Zone,  we  sit  with  our  emotions,  observe  them ,  work  with  them ,  learn  ho w  to
                let  them  float  away  if  they  are  rocking   our   boat,  and   how  to  use  the m  whe n

                they   are   fueling   our   creativity.   Then    we   tur n   our    weaknes ses   into   strengt hs
                until  there  is  no  denial  of  our  natur al  erupt ions   and  ner ves  shar pe n  our   ga me,
                fear  alerts  us,  anger  funnels  into  focus.  Next  we  di scover  what   emotiona l  states
                trigger  our  greatest  performances.  Thi s  is  trul y  a  personal   ques tion.  Some  of  us

                will  be  most  creative  when  ebullient ,   other s  when   morose.   To  each   hi s  own.
                Introspect.   Then   Make    Sandals,   become   your   own   earthquake,   Spi ke   Lee,   or
                tailing   fastball.   Discover   what   states   work   best   for   you   and,   like   Kaspa rov,
                build   condensed     triggers   so   you   can   pul l   from   your    deepes t   reservoirs   of

                creative inspiration at will.
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