Page 10 - ASME IMECE 2018 Program
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                                           Download the ASME Crowd Compass Attendee Hub App and hold the entire program at
       Two Park Avenue                     the palm at your hand! The ASME Crowd Compass Attendee Hub App allows you to easily
       New York, NY 10016-5990 USA
       +1 800-THE-ASME                     look up sessions, search for papers or people, message with other attendees, and create your
       (800-843-2763)                      own schedule. Be sure to download the app for the latest information and chances to win prizes.
       ASME is a not-for-profit
       membership organization that        SPEAKERS’ PRACTICE ROOM
       enables collaboration, knowledge    Room 322 on the third floor of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center is the Authors’/
       sharing, career enrichment, and     Speakers’ Practice Room. The schedule is Monday–Thursday, November 12–15, 7:00am–
       skills development across all       5:00pm. The room is equipped with two (2) LCD projectors, two (2) laptop computers, and
       engineering disciplines, toward     two (2) screens for authors/speakers to practice their presentations.
       a goal of helping the global
       engineering community develop       SCANNING
       solutions to benefit lives and       All authors are required to have their badge scanned before entering a technical session.
       livelihoods. Founded in 1880        Only fully registered authors are allowed to attend plenary and technical sessions.
       by a small group of leading
       industrialists, ASME has grown      AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT IN SESSION ROOMS
       through the decades to include
       more than 130,000 members           All technical sessions are equipped with one LCD projector, one laptop, one screen, and a slide
       in 151 countries. Thirty-two        advance. You may bring your presentation on USB flash drive and load it onto the laptop in the
       thousand of these members           session room.
       are students.
                                           BADGES ARE REQUIRED FOR ADMISSION TO ALL ACTIVITIES
       While at IMECE, take time to visit
       the ASME booth in the Exhibit       All conference attendees must wear their official IMECE 2018 conference badge in order to gain
       Hall, Hall B on the second floor     admission to conference sessions, events, and activities. No one will be admitted to the technical
       of the David L. Lawrence            sessions unless he/she is registered and wearing a badge that shows “Full Conference.”
       Convention Center. Learn about
       ASME’s two newest Journals          BUSINESS CENTER
       on Medical Diagnostics and
       Nondestructive Evaluation,          There is no business center located in the convention center. FedEx/Kinkos is located across
       and pick up information about       from the Convention Center at 960 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Services include,
       ASME Transactions Journals,         but are not limited to, laser and color printing, document scanning, and ground/air shipping.
       Proceedings, ASME Press books,      For more information, you can contact this location at (412) 391-2014.
       Codes & Standards, Catalogs,
       and The ASME Digital Collection.    Hours of Operation
       Representatives from ASME           Monday–Friday
viii Publications and Membership           7:30am–9:00pm
       will be present to answer your      Saturday 8:00am–6:00pm
       questions                           Sunday Closed

                                           CHILDCARE SERVICES (NEW BENEFIT FOR IMECE 2018)

                                           For those needing childcare services this year, we are pleased to be offering a new benefit for
                                           IMECE 2018.

                                           ASME will reimburse up to a total of $250/per registered 2018 IMECE attendee for childcare
                                           services incurred by a licensed service provider while attending IMECE November 9–15, 2018,
                                           between the hours of 8am–5pm. Below is a list of local companies, provided by Visit Pittsburgh.

                                           Please note that neither Visit Pittsburgh nor ASME is recommending any one company.
                                           Additionally, ASME suggests you may wish to consult with your local hotel concierge for
                                           additional licensed service provider suggestions.

                                           Nanny Poppinz

                                           East Wind Nannies

                                           Urban Sitter
                                           This site will review each person, give their pricing, and list out their experience. You will need
                                           to join to see each person’s full profile.
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