Page 8 - ASME IMECE 2018 Program
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ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE),
                              November 9–15, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

     Dear Distinguished Attendees:                                           We hope that you enjoy IMECE 2018 and our beautiful host “City
                                                                             of Bridges.” We look forward to meeting you and learning about
     Welcome to mighty Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania—The Steel City—              your professional interests at Congress throughout the week.
     for this year’s annual IMECE! We are thrilled to bring together         Sincerely,
     colleagues in academia, industry, and government in a stimulating
     environment to promote scholarship, innovation, and social                                     Olesya I. Zhupanska
     investment not only to advance the mechanical engineering                                      2018 IMECE Technical Program Chair
     discipline but also to address technical challenges confronting the
     globe.                                                                                            Stephen D. Tse
                                                                                                       2018 IMECE General Conference Chair
     Through the exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary collabora-
     tions, IMECE hopes to facilitate the creation of the next round of                                Alberto Cuitino
     engineering discoveries and developments to improve health care,                                  2018 IMECE Technical Program Vice Chair
     transportation, space exploration, new product design and
     manufacture, and energy. Our conference comprises 13 Technical                                    Rama Koganti
     Tracks with over 2,500 presentations, representing high-impact                                    2018 Steering Committee Chair
     scholarly work that encompasses a diverse range of topics from
     the fundamental to the applied. In addition to                                                    Francine Battaglia
     the technical sessions, our agenda seeks to build partnerships                                    2018 Steering Committee Vice Chair
     among our communities, promote leadership development, and
     engage with our students—the future of our society.                                               Assimina Pelegri
                                                                                                       2018 Steering Committee Senate Chair
     We kick off IMECE on Sunday with the Opening Reception
     & Undergraduate Research and Design Expo that includes Student                                    George Kardomateas
     Design and Poster Competitions. Monday morning will open with                                     2018 Steering Committee Senate Co-Chair
     an exciting Breakfast Keynote from Frank DeMauro, Vice
     President and General Manager of the Advanced Programs
     Division of the Space Systems Group of Northrop Grumman. That
     evening, we will hold the Honors Reception and Assembly. Like
     last year, we have scheduled the Track Plenary Sessions to be
     presented each morning, running Tuesday through Thursday. A
     special Breakfast and Plenary Presentation will be given on
     Wednesday morning by Mark Hindsbo, Vice President and
     General Manager of the Design Business Unit of ANSYS. On
     Wednesday as well, you can find the General Poster Session,
     along with an NSF Workshop, which includes One-on-One
     Meetings with Program Managers, and NSF Student Poster
     Competitions. To conclude the week on Thursday, our Closing
     Plenary Luncheon will feature Vijay Kumar, Nemirovsky Family
     Dean of Penn Engineering. As in the past, the Conference Exhibit
     runs from Sunday through Wednesday. We would also like to
     highlight several Honoring Symposia, recognizing Prof. Frostig,
     the late Prof. Devdas Pai, the late Dr. Kirti (Karman) Ghia, and Prof.
     Frank Kreith.

     The conference should provide a setting conducive for
     professional networking with your colleagues, as well as
     involvement opportunities with the society through ASME divisions
     and technical committees, whose events you can find listed in the
     program. The ASME Crowd Compass Attendee Hub App can
     assist you with scheduling the various activities and social breaks.

     As always, we are incredibly appreciative of the immense efforts
     of our dedicated volunteer organizers and the exceptional ASME
vi Staff. We thank you, the attendees, in advance for making the
     2018 IMECE successful with your contributions, talents, and active
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