Page 25 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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TUESDAY        Special Events

        MICRO & NANOTECHNOLOGY SOCIETY WIDE FORUM AND THE       In 2011, Filippov joined Halliburton, where he is currently principal
        NSF POSTER COMPETITION                                  technical advisor and manager of a Science Group, leading research and
                                                11:30am–3:00pm   development for oil and gas drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and production.
                                Grand Ballroom, Hilton of the Americas
                                                                Filippov has written a number of technical reports, authored 33 patent
        Poster Setup          10:00am–11:30am
                                                                applications, with 17 granted patents, and published 52 technical papers in
        General Viewing/Judging   11:30am–2:00pm
                                                                peer-reviewed journals, including the International Journal of Heat and Mass
        Awards                2:00pm–3:00pm
                                                                Transfer, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, and Physics of Fluids.
        Micro- and nanoscale phenomena and processes are widely explored
        across many ASME divisions to create new applications and to improve   WOMEN IN ENGINEERING RECEPTION
        existing engineering systems. This forum seeks to bring together ASME                           5:00pm–6:30pm
        members and researchers from academia and industry with a common              Skyline Ballroom, Hilton of the Americas
        focus on micro- and nanotechnology. Please join us in discovering
                                                                The reception provides a focal point at the conference for a gathering of
        small-scale innovation making a large impact.
                                                                women from the wide range of ASME activity for networking and a bit of
                                                                casual relaxation at the end of a conference day. The event is open to all
                                                                ASME women engineers and engineering students.
        Sponsored by: ASME Auxiliary
                               Skyline Ballroom, Hilton of the Americas  KOITER LECTURE
        Ticket: $40                                                                             382AB, Convention Center
        The ASME Auxiliary welcomes ASME members to an afternoon of great   Kaushik Bhattacharya, Ph.D.
        food and refreshments at its semi-annual Guest Luncheon.  California Institute of Technology
                                                                Title: Slender Structures of Active Materials

        CALVIN W. RICE LECTURE                                  Abstract: Slender structures—where one or more dimensions is much
                                                 1:00pm–2:30pm   smaller than the others as in strings, rods, membranes, plates, shells
                                         382AB, Convention Center  etc.—are common in nature, and have been widely exploited in engineer-
                                                                ing.  The slenderness and the resulting flexibility coupled with possible
                                                                geometric constraints endows such structures with a rich range of
                                                                mechanical response.   Thus the study of the mechanics of slender
                                                                structures has a long history including the seminal contributions of Koiter.
        INVITED INDUSTRY PRESENTATION                           Much of this literature relates to materials whose constitutive response is
                                                 1:15pm–2:00pm   relatively simple.  The recent decades have seen the introduction and study
                       Exhibit Hall, Grand Ballroom, Hilton of the Americas  of active materials that deform spontaneously in the presence of a stimulus.
                      Andrey Filippov                           These materials including shape-memory alloys, ferroelectrics, electroactive
                      Principal Technical Advisor               polymers and nematic elastomers also have rich mechanics, but much of this
                      Halliburton                               mechanics has been explored in the context of simple uniaxial or bulk
                                                                structures.  This talk explores new phenomena that arise in slender
                                                                structures of active materials and how this can be exploited in applications.
        Presentation Title: From Rule of Thumb to Mathematical Physics   Presenter Biography: Kaushik Bhattacharya was born in India in 1964. He
        Analysis: How Oil and Gas Is Becoming High Tech Industry  received his B.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology,
                                                                Madras, India in 1986, his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1991
        Presenter Biography: Dr. Andrey Filippov has more than 30 years of
                                                                and his post-doctoral training at the Courant Institute for Mathematical
        international experience in the oil and gas industry, ceramic materials and
                                                                Sciences during 1991-1993.  He joined the faculty of the California Institute
        electronics components industry, and leading academic research centers in
                                                                of Technology in 1993, and is currently the Howell N. Tyson, Sr., Professor
        applied mathematics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. He received his MS
                                                                of Mechanics and Professor of Materials Science as well as the Executive
        and PhD from Moscow Lomonosov University and worked as a research
                                                                Officer for Mechanical and Civil Engineering. His research concerns the
        associate at the Institute of Mechanics (Moscow), University of Duisburg
                                                                mechanical behavior of solids, and specifically uses theory to guide the
        (Germany), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), and Yale University (USA) focusing in
                                                                development of new materials. He has held visiting positions at Cornell
        aerosol physics and multiphase fluid dynamics. In 2001, he joined Corning
                                                                University, Heriot-Watt University (Scotland), Max-Planck-Institute (Leipzig,
        Incorporated, where he worked 11 years as an individual contributor and a
                                                                Germany), University of Cambridge (England), Indian Institute of Science   25
        member of international multidisciplinary teams, conducting research projects
                                                                (Bangalore, India) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He has given invited
        for fiber optics manufacturing, LCD glass forming, and other applications.
                                                                and plenary lectures at various professional organizations and universities
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