Page 20 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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Special Events SUNDAY

        science specialization from Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran in   Project Success: Defining the Problem
        2004. In 2009, she received a master’s degree from the University of   Jordan Robert, Design Engineer, Noble Plastics
        Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and is currently pursuing a PhD in mechanical
        engineering at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Atefeh started   Albert Einstein is credited for emphasizing the
        working for WorleyParsons (Toronto), an international engineering    importance of problem definition by stating “If I had
        consulting firm, over a year ago. Her work involves hydraulic analysis of   only one hour to save the world, I would spend
        piping systems, studying hydraulic phenomenon such as water hammer,   fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the
        sizing and selection of equipment, such as control valves, air receivers,   solution.” When working in the engineering field, we aren’t necessarily
        piping stress analysis, and mechanical design of systems. The projects   always thinking of problem solving and problem definition in this way.
        she has been involved in include modification projects for refurbishment
                                                                Throughout your career you will be asked to work on different projects
        of nuclear power plants operated by Ontario Power Generation (OPG). She
                                                                that are not fully defined. Those projects will also need to be accom-
        is an active member of WorleyParsons Graduate Development Organiza-
                                                                plished within a specific time frame and within budget. This can compro-
        tion (GDO). GDO helps new hires transition from their university experi-
                                                                mise your decisions to explore solutions prematurely before clearly
        ence to working in industry.
                                                                understanding the problem. During this talk, Jordan Robert will focus on
                      Leading Change                            how problems are defined and the significance of problem definition to
                      Walmy Cuello Jimenez, PE, Sr. Technical Professional,   having a successful outcome. She will also provide lessons learned from
                      Halliburton                               her experience working on different product design projects.
                      Walmy Cuello Jimenez grew up in a small town of   Moderator/Presenter Biography: Jordan graduated from Louisiana State
                      about 5000 people in northern Colombia. At the time   University in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and
        of his high school graduation, about 25 people graduated from high   a minor in aerospace engineering. During her collegiate career, Jordan
        school per year and only 30% or less went on to attend college. Walmy   interned with NASA at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville,
        had to embrace many changes and challenges to get to where he is today.   Alabama, where she worked with the Main Propulsion System: Valves,
        He stepped outside of his comfort zone to challenge the status quo of   Actuators, and Ducts Design and Development branch, and her work on
        someone with a similar background and decided to pursue graduate   “Non-Collinear Valve Actuator” was featured in NASA Tech Briefs. Upon
        education in a different country.                       graduation, Jordan began working as a design engineer for Noble
                                                                Plastics. Noble Plastics is a custom injection molding manufacturer with a
        Walmy’s experience has taught him that the world is constantly evolving   design team composed of engineers and industrial designers to provide
        and that change is far from easy. His passion for engineering, the desire   product design and development services. As part of the design team,
        for career advancement, seeking new challenges, and setting new goals   Jordan works with clients of various industries, including defense, energy,
        has helped him to have a successful career. This talk will provide his   and consumer goods, with product development. Her responsibilities
        perspective on how you can lead change and, in turn, benefit your career.  include computer-aided design, structural analysis using finite element
                                                                analysis, and manufacturability evaluation using Moldflow analysis.
        Presenter Biography: Walmy Cuello Jimenez has over four years of
        experience at Halliburton in research and development of oil well
        cementing and wellbore integrity. He holds a master’s degree in mechani-
        cal engineering from the University of Oklahoma and a bachelor’s degree
        in mechanical engineering from Industrial University of Santander,
        Colombia, where he was the recipient of the 2009 Promising Research
        Project Award. Furthermore, he has authored/co-authored 17 technical/
        conference papers, including seven in peer-reviewed journals. He also
        has two granted patents in oil well cementing and two pending patent
        applications. Walmy currently serves as the president of the Colombian
        OU Alumni Association (COUAA), a chapter of the University of Oklahoma
        Alumni Association. He is also a supporter of the Smile Education
        Foundation (previously Smile Colombia), a non-profit organization that
        focuses on education for children who live in conditions of poverty.

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