Page 15 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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Special Events

       FRIDAY/SATURDAY  SUNDAY          MONDAY           TUESDAY                            WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY
       MEETING (FRIDAY)  STUDENT DESIGN   Monday, November 16  Tuesday, November 17         WIDE PLENARY   WIDE PLENARY
       5:00–5:30pm     COMPETITION      8:30 am–10:00am   8:30 am - 10:00 am (breakfast served from   Wednesday,   Thursday,
       335AB, Hilton of   FINALS AND AWARD  (breakfast served   8:00 - 8:30 am)             November 18    November 19
       the Americas    CEREMONY AND     from 8:00am to   Ballroom of the Americas, Hilton of the   8:30am–10:00am   11:30am–12:30pm
                       RECEPTION        8:30am)          Americas                           (breakfast served   Grand Ballroom,
       OLD GUARD ORAL  8:00am–6:30pm    Ballroom of the                                     from 8:00am to   Hilton of the
       PRESENTATION    Room: 335ABC,    Americas DEF, Hilton   US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY:     8:30am)        Americas
       COMPETITION     Hilton of the Americas  of the Americas  RESEARCH NEEDS IN LOW-GWP   Ballroom of the
       FINALS                                            HVAC & R                           Americas, Hilton
       9:00am–4:00pm   MEMBERS AND      ROBERT HENRY     9:00am-12:00pm                     of the Americas
       335C, Hilton of the   STUDENTS   THURSTON         Room: 339B, Hilton of the Americas
       Americas        LUNCHEON         LECTURE                                             NSF
                       Sponsored by:    10:00am–12:00pm  ME/MET DEPARTMENT HEADS            ENGINEERING
       HISTORY &       Committee on Honors  Room: 381B,   PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT          INFORMATION
       HERITAGE AND    12:00pm–1:30pm   Convention Center  WORKSHOP                         SESSION (CMMI,
       OLD GUARD       Grand Ballroom AB,                9:00am–10:30am                     CBET & IIP)
       PRESENTATION/   Hilton of the Americas  VOLT LEADERSHIP   Room: 382AB, George R. Brown Convention   1:00pm-2:30pm
       RECEPTION                        WORKSHOP         Center                             Room: 381AB,
       6:00–7:30pm     SPECIAL SESSION:   10:00am–12:00pm                                   Convention
       340AB, Hilton of   LEONARDO’S LOST   Room: 340A, Hilton   HEAT TRANSFER DIVISION AWARDS LUNCHEON  Center
       the Americas    ROBOTS           of the Americas  Sponsored by: Heat Transfer Division
                       1:30pm–2:30pm                     11:00am–1:00pm                     INVITED
                       Room: 338, Hilton of   PRESIDENT’S   Ballroom of the Americas C, Hilton of the   INDUSTRY
                       the Americas     LUNCHEON         Americas                           PRESENTATION
                                        12:00pm–1:30pm                                      1:15–2:00pm
                       FIRST-TIME       Grand Ballroom AB,   MICRO & NANOTECHNOLOGY SOCIETY   Exhibit Hall, Grand
                       ATTENDEES        Hilton of the    WIDE FORUM AND THE                 Ballroom Hilton of
                       ORIENTATION      Americas         NSF POSTER COMPETITION             the Americas
                       2:00pm–3:00 PM                    11:30am–3:00pm
                       Room: 382AB,     INVITED INDUSTRY   Grand Ballroom, Hilton of the Americas  NSF RESEARCH
                       Convention Center  PRESENTATION                                      PROGRAM
                                        1:15pm–2:00pm    GUEST LUNCHEON                     DEVELOPMENT
                       VOLT LEADERSHIP   Exhibit Hall, Grand   Sponsored by: ASME Auxiliary  WORKSHOP
                       WORKSHOP         Ballroom, Hilton of   1:00pm–3:00pm                 3:00pm-5:30pm
                       2:00pm–4:00pm    the Americas     Skyline Ballroom, Hilton of the Americas  Room: 381AB,
                       340A, Hilton of the                                                  Convention
                       Americas         ME/MET           CALVIN W. RICE LECTURE             Center
                                        DEPARTMENT       1:00pm–2:30pm
                       INTERNATIONAL    HEADS FORUM      382AB, Convention Center           MATERIALS
                       UNDERGRADUATE    1:30pm–3:30pm                                       DIVISION AWARD
                       RESEARCH AND     Room: 382AB,     INVITED INDUSTRY PRESENTATION      LECTURES
                       DESIGN EXPOSITION  George R. Brown   1:15pm–2:00pm                   Sponsored by:
                       6:00pm–7:30pm    Convention Center  Exhibit Hall, Grand Ballroom Hilton of the   Materials Division
                       Exhibit Hall, Grand               Americas                           2:30pm–7:00pm
                       Ballroom, Hilton of the  HONORS                                      Ballroom of the
                       Americas         RECEPTION        WOMEN IN ENGINEERING RECEPTION     Americas B, Hilton
                                        Sponsored by:    5:00pm–6:30pm                      of the Americas
                       EXHIBIT HALL     Committee on     Skyline Ballroom, Hilton of the Americas
                       GRAND OPENING    Honors
                       AND OPENING      Monday, November 16  KOITER LECTURE
                       RECEPTION        5:00pm–6:00pm    5:00pm–6:15pm
                       Sunday, November 15  Ballroom of the   Room: 382AB, Convention Center
                       6:00pm–7:30pm    Americas Foyer,
                       Exhibit Hall, Grand   Hilton of the   ADVANCED ENERGY SYSTEMS DIVISION
                       Ballroom, Hilton of the  Americas  RECEPTION
                       Americas                          Sponsored by: Advanced Energy Systems
                                        HONORS ASSEMBLY  Division
                       FUTUREME         Monday, November 16  5:30pm–7:30pm
                       MINI-TALKS       6:00pm–7:30pm    Ballroom of the Americas A, Hilton of the
                       Presented by the ECE  Ballroom of the   Americas
                       Programming      Americas ABC, Hilton
                       Committee        of the Americas  FLUIDS ENGINEERING DIVISION RECEPTION
                       Sunday, November 15               Sponsored by: Fluids Engineering Division
                       8:00pm–10:00pm   HONORS DINNER    6:30pm–8:30pm
                       Grand Ballroom,   Sponsored by:   Grand Ballroom A, Hilton of the Americas
                       Hilton of the Americas  Committee on
                                        Honors           APPLIED MECHANICS DIVISION HONORS &
                                        7:30pm–10:00pm   AWARDS BANQUET
                                        Ballroom of the   Sponsored by: Applied Mechanics Division
                                        Americas DEF, Hilton   6:30pm–9:30pm
                                        of the Americas
                                                         ELECTRONIC AND PHOTONIC PACKAGING
                                                         DIVISION WINE AND CHEESE RECEPTION
                                                         Sponsored by: Electronics and Photonics
                                                         Packaging Division
                                                         Ballroom of the Americas B, Hilton of the
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