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        FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13                                     Latte Art by a Robot Arm
                                                                Milwaukee School of Engineering
                                                                Matthew Lesniewski
        ASME BUSINESS MEETING                                   Milwaukee School of Engineering
                                                   5:00–5:30pm   Cost Reduction of the XL-110 Flex Strap Machine
                                      335AB, Hilton of the Americas
        Program                                                 Temple University
          Call to order by Julio Guerrero, ASME President, 2015–2016  Gorman Donnelly
          Report by the Treasurer                               Union College
          Ratification of Auditor                               The Design of an Optimized Patient-Specific Spinal Fusion Cage Using
          Membership Report                                     Additive Manufacturing
          2014–2015 Annual Report
          State of the Society Video Preview                    Texas Tech University
          Election of the 2016 Nominating Committee             Tyler M. Pharris
          Report on Proxies Received                            Baylor University
          President 2016–2017                                   Effects of Flow Separation on a Highly Loaded, Low-Pressure Gas Turbine
          Board of Governors 2016–2019                          Blade at Low Reynolds Numbers
          Other Business
                                                                Notre Dame University
                                                                Chales Azzi
        SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14                                   Notre Dame University
                                                                Anti-Lock Braking Systems
        OLD GUARD ORAL PRESENTATION COMPETITION FINALS          B. H. Gardi College of Engineering & Technology
                                                9:00am–4:00pm   Hardik Raipuria
                                        335C, Hilton of the Americas  B. H. Gardi College of Engineering & Technology
        All are invited to attend the finals of the Society-level Old Guard Oral   Innovative Water Saving System (InnoWaSS)
        Presentation Competition. Meet the engineering students who have
        successfully competed at their local universities, at the ASME Student   Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
        Professional Development Conferences (SPDCs), and are now vying for   Muhammad Inzamam Ul Haq
        the $2,000 ASME Old Guard Prize for outstanding presentation skills.  University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore
                                                                Vermicomposting—Turning Trash into Cash
        Like all effective professionals, engineers must possess a well-developed
        ability to synthesize issues and communicate both orally and in writing. This   Özyeğin University
        competition is designed to emphasize the value of an ability to deliver clear,   Osman Dogan Yirmibesoglu
        concise, and effective oral presentations, particularly pertaining to some   Özyeğin University
        sphere in which an engineer is or should be involved. Presentation topics   Motor Selection of Minimally Invasive Surgery Robot
        must address a technical, economic, or environmental aspect of engineering
        or other basic engineering theme, and often relate to the students’ engineer-  American University in Cairo
        ing design/analysis projects. For more information, please visit  Khaled Noaman
                                                                Zagazig University
                                                                Graphene–Miracle of the Future
                                                                HISTORY & HERITAGE AND OLD GUARD PRESENTATION/RECEPTION
        University of Nevada–Las Vegas
        Raymond Chan                                                                          340AB, Hilton of the Americas
        San Jose State University                               The ASME Old Guard Committee will announce the Old Guard Oral
        Hybrid Truck Conversion                                 Presentation winners and present them with their award certificates.

        Instituto Technológico de Monterrey
        David Guerrero Arellano
        Universidad de Guanajuato
        Photostress FEA Validation
        Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
        Pin-Yi Chen
        National Taiwan University
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