Page 10 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
P. 10

General Information

                                         EMERGENCY INFORMATION
                                         Security and Medical Emergencies
                                         Hotel Security can be reached at 6134. In case of emergency, medical or other, please dial “55” from any
                                         house phone. To report a fire, dial “55” and activate the nearest pull station.

                                         What to Do in Emergency Situations:
                                         When the general alarm is activated, fire lights will flash, an alarm will sound, and an automated voice will
                                         make an announcement to prepare to evacuate. The alarm sounds only on the floor of the incident and the
                                         floors directly above and below the incident. Please keep the following in mind when preparing to
                                         evacuate your room:
                                         •   Take your key
                                         •   Test your door for heat and smoke before exiting
                                         •   If the hallway is clear, exit by the nearest stairwell
                                         •   Do not use the elevator

                                         Should the door be warm or the hallway impassable:
                                         •   Place wet towels at the base of the door
                                         •   Contact the front desk and give them your name and room number
                                         •   Turn off your air conditioner or heater to keep smoke from entering the room
                                         •   Stay low and avoid inhaling smoke

                                         HOSPITALITY SUITE
                                         The hospitality suite is located in room 430 on the 4th Floor of the Hilton Americas-Houston.
                                         The schedule is as follows:

                                         Sunday, November 15   7:30am–10:00am
                                         Monday, November 16   7:30am–10:00am
                                         Tuesday, November 17   7:30am–10:00am
        EXHIBITS                         Wednesday, November 18   7:30am–10:00am
        The exhibits are located in the
        Grand Ballroom of the Hilton
                                         MEETING INFORMATION BOOTH
        The exhibit hours are as follows:  The main meeting information booth is located in the Grand Ballroom Foyer (4th Floor) of the Hilton of the
                                         Americas. The satellite meeting information booth is located in the Level 3 Foyer of the George R. Brown
        Sunday, November 15              Convention Center. The operating hours are:
                                         Friday, November 13   12:00pm–5:00pm (only main info booth)
        Monday, November 16              Saturday, November 14   7:00am–6:00pm (only main info booth)
        10:00am–4:00pm                   Sunday, November 15   7:00am–6:00pm (only main info booth)
                                         Monday, November 16                 7:00am–6:00pm
        Tuesday, November 17             Tuesday, November 17                7:00am–6:00pm
        10:00am–4:00pm                   Wednesday, November 18              7:00am–6:00pm
                                         Thursday, November 19               7:00am–5:00pm
        Wednesday, November 18
                                         MEMBERSHIP TO ASME (ONE YEAR FREE)
        For a full list of exhibitors, please   Registrants who paid the non-member conference registration fees will receive a one-year ASME Member-
        refer to the exhibitor program in   ship. ASME will automatically activate this complimentary membership for qualified attendees. Please allow
        the back.                        approximately four weeks after the conclusion of the conference for your membership to become active. Visit
                                for more information about the benefits of ASME Membership.
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