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WEDNESDAY           Special Events

        director.  For about two years, he also served as program director of the   Materials Division Sia Nemat-Nasser Award Presentation
        Sensors and Sensing Systems program.  For relaxation, he spends his
        weekends soaring over the Shenandoah Valley, and he is a certified flight   3:00pm–3:30pm
        instructor in gliders (CFI-G) with about 1,800 total flying hours.
                                                                Title: Effect of Internal Boundaries and Defects on Mechanical
                                                                Behaviors of Crystalline Nanowires

        MATERIALS DIVISION AWARD LECTURES                       Yong Zhu
        Sponsored by: Materials Division                        Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina
                                                 2:30pm–7:00pm   State University
                       Ballroom of the Americas B, Hilton of the Americas
                                                                Abstract: It is well known that free surfaces play a critical role in the
        The following awards and lectures will be presented:
                                                                mechanical behavior of crystalline nanowires (NWs). However, the NWs,
                                                                especially those synthesized using bottom-up approaches, typically
        Materials Division ORR Award Presentation
                                                                contain different types of internal boundaries and defects. It is thus of
        2:30pm–3:00pm                                           interest to understand whether and how such internal boundaries and
                                                                defects would affect the mechanical behaviors of crystalline NWs. In this
        Title: The Role of Microstructure in Predicting Fatigue Performance and   talk I will discuss two recent studies that revealed important roles of
        Variability                                             internal boundaries and defects.

        Michael D. Sangid                                       For the penta-twinned Ag NWs, we reported a dislocation-mediated,
        School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University  time-dependent and fully reversible plastic behavior. In-situ tensile testing
                                                                in scanning and transmission electron microscopes (SEM/TEM) showed
        Abstract: Scatter observed in the fatigue life of engineering alloys can be
                                                                that penta-twinned Ag NWs undergo stress relaxation on loading and
        attributed to variability of defect arrangements within the material’s
                                                                complete plastic strain recovery on unloading, while the same experi-
        microstructure, which ultimately limits the life cycle of components. Hence,
                                                                ments on single-crystalline Ag NWs do not exhibit such a behavior.
        there is great interest in linking the microstructure to fatigue performance,
                                                                Molecular dynamics simulations revealed that this behavior originates from
        as a means to add value into materials and component designs. With this as
                                                                the surface nucleation, propagation and retraction of partial dislocations.
        a motivation, a multiscale fatigue model is developed, which obtains
                                                                More specifically, vacancies reduce dislocation nucleation barrier,
        hot-spots within the microstructure, using rate-dependent crystal plasticity
                                                                facilitating stress relaxation, while the TBs and their intrinsic stress field
        finite element simulations, based on elastic stress anisotropies and local
                                                                promote retraction of partial dislocations, resulting in full strain recovery.
        plastic strain accumulations during one-cycle of loading. The quantitative
                                                                High-angle annular dark-field scanning TEM image of the cross-sectional
        information of the local microstructure around these hotspots and the
                                                                sample confirmed the presence of vacancy defects near the TBs.
        corresponding slip system activity is leveraged in a physics based life
        prediction model, which quantifies the energetics of the active failure   In another study, we discovered giant anelasticity in crystalline NWs
        mechanisms within the material.  Namely, the energy of dislocation   governed by stress-gradient-induced migration of point defects. Under
        arrangements are modeled within persistent slip bands in terms of their   bending, ZnO and Si NWs were found to exhibit giant anelastic relaxation,
        stability with respect to the dislocation motion, thus representing the   four orders of magnitude greater than the largest ever reported value in
        model’s failure criterion for crack initiation. Using Monte Carlo algorithms,   bulk materials, with a time scale on the order of minutes. The large
        statistically equivalent synthetic microstructures are constructed to predict   magnitude of the anelasticity is due to the ultrahigh strain applied to the
        the scatter and probability of fatigue failure relative to the observed defect   NWs, while the small diffusion distance (e.g., NW diameter), enormous
        distributions.  Experimental methods are employed to validate these   stress gradient and large diffusivity result in the short relaxation (recovery)
        models, namely the evolution of spatial strains across the microstructure are   time scale. The giant anelasticity led to very high energy dissipation,
        measured using in situ experiments via (a) high-energy x-ray diffraction and   suggesting that crystalline NWs with point defects could serve as highly
        (b) concurrent digital image correlation and electron backscatter diffraction.    efficient damping materials.
        Biography: Michael D. Sangid received his BS (2002) and MS (2005) in me-  Biography: Yong Zhu is an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace
        chanical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign   engineering at North Carolina State University. He was a postdoctoral
        (UIUC).  After his master’s degree, he spent two years working in Indianapo-  research associate at the University of Texas at Austin before joining NC
        lis, IN, for Rolls-Royce Corporation, specializing in material characterization,   State in 2007. He holds joint appointments in the Departments of Materials
        fatigue, fracture, and creep of high-temperature aerospace materials before   Science and Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at NC State.
        resuming his education in 2007.  He received his PhD in mechanical
        engineering from UIUC in 2010 and continued as a post-doctoral associate.    Zhu’s research is focused on mechanics of nanomaterials and their
        In the spring of 2012, Sangid started as an assistant professor at Purdue   application in stretchable electronics. He has published nearly 50
        University in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics with a courtesy   peer-reviewed journal papers and 4 book chapters. Among his notable
        appointment in materials engineering, where he continues his work on   contributions, Zhu has pioneered in developing microelectromechanical
        building computational materials models with experimental validation efforts.    systems (MEMS) for in situ electron microscopy mechanical testing of   29
        He is a recipient of the TMS Young Leaders Award, the ASME Orr Award, and   nanomaterials, which provide electronic measurement of load while
        the AFOSR, ONR, and DARPA Young Investigator/Faculty Awards.  enabling the simultaneous acquisition of atomic structures. He has made
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