Page 32 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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Track Plenary

        Track 1: Advances in Aerospace Technology               ite skins, which do not always show visible dents after impact. Impact of
        SESSION: 1-1-1, PLENARY SESSION I                       composite aircraft structures by “blunt” sources will be discussed,
                              Monday, November 16, 10:30am–12:00pm   including ground service equipment (GSE) and hail ice impact. Large-scale
                                          360A, Convention Center  experiments investigating GSE blunt impact to fuselage-type structures,
                                                                and damage prediction modeling methodology, and future needs to
        Beyond Buckling: A Challenge for Aircraft Composite Structures
                                                                address this threat will also be presented.
                                                                Biography: Hyonny Kim is a professor and vice chair of the Department of
        Chiara Bisagni
                                                                Structural Engineering at the University of California, San Diego. Hyonny
        TU Delft–Delft University of Technology
                                                                received his Ph.D. in the area of Solid Mechanics and Structures from the
        Abstract: Chiara Bisagni will present her research on buckling and   Department of Mechanical Engineering at UC Santa Barbara in 1998, M.S.
        post-buckling behavior of composite panels. The research was supported   from the Applied Mechanics Division of Mechanical Engineering at
        by different European projects. The results show the possibility to allow   Stanford University in 1994. He gained industrial experience while working
        composite panels to work in the post-buckling field during the operative   for Pratt & Whitney aircraft engine company in 1995, and prior to that as
        life, moving up the design ultimate load near the collapse load in the next   co-founder of a small company engineering and prototyping electric
        aircraft generation. A particular aspect is given by damage tolerance   vehicle conversions. Hyonny’s areas of research interest are the testing
        capabilities in the post-buckling conditions. The research performed on   and analysis of composite materials and structures, with particular focus
        single stringer composite specimens, undergoing in collaboration with   on impact, dynamic response, adhesive joining, and large-scale structural
        NASA Langley, will also be presented.                   behavior. Hyonny is an active member and Fellow of the American Society
                                                                for Composites, serves as the vice president for the International
        Biography: Chiara Bisagni is full professor and chairholder of aerospace   Committee for Composite Materials (ICCM) representing the North and
        structures and computational mechanics at the Faculty of Aerospace   South America regions, and also serves as co-chair of the Disbonding and
        Engineering of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Nether-  Delamination working group and the Crashworthiness working group of
        lands. Chiara Bisagni received her Ph.D. and master’s degree in aero-  the Composite Materials Handbook 17 organization. Finally, he is a senior
        space engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Before joining TU Delft,   member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
        she was assistant professor and associate professor in the Department of
        Aerospace Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano in Italy, and full
        professor in the Department of Structural Engineering at the University of   Track 2: Advanced Manufacturing
        California, San Diego. She was also visiting associate professor in the   SESSION 2-1-1: PLENARY SESSION
        Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of    Wednesday, November 18, 10:30am–12:00pm
        Technology. Chiara Bisagni worked in different European projects,                        360B, Convention Center
        DAEDALOS that she coordinated. During her career, she received an   Computer-Aided Surgical Simulation and 3D Printing for Craniomaxil-
        Amelia Earhart Fellowship, a Marie Curie Research Training Grant from the   lofacial Surgery
        Training and Mobility of Researchers Program in the EU, a Young Re-  James J. Xia
        searcher Fellowship from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a
                                                                University of Connecticut
        Fulbright Grant. She has been member of the American Institute of
        Aeronautics and Astronautics Structures Technical Committee since 2009
                                                                Biography: James J. Xia, MD, PhD, MS has been selected as the Plenary
        and an AIAA Associate Fellow since 2012.
                                                                Speaker for the Advanced Manufacturing Track due to his unique and
                                                                innovative use of both modeling and 3D printing to advance craniomaxillo-
                                                                facial surgery. Dr. Xia earned his MD in 1987, PhD in computer-aided
        Track 1: Advances in Aerospace Technology               surgery in 1999, and MS in clinical research in 2006. He currently is the
        SESSION: 1-1-2, PLENARY SESSION II                      director of the Surgical Planning Laboratory at the Department of Oral and
                              Tuesday, November 17, 10:30am–12:00pm   Maxillofacial Surgery, Houston Methodist Research Institute; professor of
                                          380D, Convention Center  oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Institute for Academic Medicine,
                                                                Houston Methodist Hospital; and professor of surgery (oral and maxillofa-
        Blunt Impact Challenges to Modern Composite Aircraft Structures
                                                                cial surgery) at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. His main
                                                                research focuses on computer-aided surgical simulation and image-guid-
        Hyonny Kim                                              ed surgery. He received numerous research grants and support from NIH
        UC San Diego–University of California, San Diego        and other government agencies and industries. He has published more
                                                                than 60 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals.
        Abstract: High-energy blunt impact acting over a wide area or affecting a
        large number of structural elements is a major topic of concern for modern
        composite aircraft structures since severe events can occur and yet
        remain visually undetectable, even when significant internal damage to the
        structure has been created. This is largely due to the modern composite
        aircraft structures being constructed with resilient high-strength compos-
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