Page 35 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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Track Plenary

        Track 5: Education and Globalization                    are areas of active research. Research accomplishments in these areas, as
        SESSION 5-13-1: PLENARY SESSION                         well as in energy efficiency for ship structures, alternate energy options,
                                Tuesday, November 17, 1:15pm–2:45pm    advanced manufacturing, additive manufacturing, nanocomposites,
                                          370D, Convention Center  nondestructive evaluation, and structural health monitoring, will be
        A Novel Spacecraft with an Innovative Payload for Deep Space   discussed. The synergisms associated with the utilization in ONR research
        Exploration: A Global Collaborative Accomplishment      of outstanding researchers from the U.S. as well as from other countries
                                                                will be discussed. The active engagement with the international research
        Abstract: The Shinen2 spacecraft, currently in an elliptical orbit around the   community, and with other Navies and Defense Departments, have
        Sun, was launched on December 3, 2014 as part of Hayabusa2 mission (an   resulted in significant benefits to the research community.
        asteroid exploration mission on a second sample return challenge). The
        Shinen2 spacecraft, designed and built by the Kyushu Institute of   Biography: Yapa D. Rajapakse is the program manager, solid mechanics, at
        Technology (KIT-Japan), is a hexagonal shaped, 15 kg, 47 x 49 x 49 cm   the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The major focus of the Solid Mechan-
        structure built with lightweight and durable carbon fiber reinforced   ics Program is on the performance of marine composites and composite
        polymer (CFRP) with dual batteries charged by solar panels on each side   sandwich structures in extreme environments and extreme loading
        of the structure and redundant UHF transmission systems at 437 MHz.   conditions. Dr. Rajapakse received his PhD in applied mechanics, under
        Shinen2 proved its success by transmitting data from Moon orbit and   the guidance of the late Professor J. N. Goodier, and MS in mathematics
        beyond (currently in orbit at about 100 times distance from Earth to Moon).   from Stanford University. He has been elected Fellow of the following four
        Shinen2’s only payload is a radiation detector designed and built by   technical societies: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
        Prairie View A&M University in collaboration with NASA Johnson Space   Society of Engineering Science (SES), American Academy of Mechanics
        Center (NASA-JSC), University of Texas (UT–Austin), and University of   (AAM), and American Society for Composites (ASC). He has served on the
        Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). The radiation particle pixel detector (PPD), a    editorial boards of eight technical journals, including Composites Science
        10 x 10 x 10-cm cube structure was designed and developed as: (i) low   and Technology, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, Journal of
        weight (~ 800 gr), (ii) low power (~ 1 W), (iii) high reliability over few years (~   Composite Materials, and Composites Part B. Dr. Rajapakse has served as
        5+ years), (iv) high tolerance in deep-space harsh radiation environment   president, vice-president, and member of Board of Directors of SES. He
        for a broad range of temperatures (–50°C to +50°C), and (v) with a unique   has served as Chairman of the Composite Materials Committee of the
        capability to provide a data downlink over a low bit rate communication   Applied Mechanics Division of ASME, and the Polymer-Matrix Composites
        transmission to Earth (few kilobytes) from deep space. This payload uses   Division of ASC. He has organized ONR Symposia at several conferences,
        two CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) sensors and   including ASME Conferences. He has edited/coedited 32 books, including
        custom-designed radiation-hardened FPGA (field-programmable gate   recently: “Dynamic Failure of Materials and Structures,” “Blast Mitigation:
        array) to sustain the deep-space radiation environment with capability to   Experimental and Numerical Studies,” and “Durability of Composites in a
        estimate energy and particle flux, typically, 85% of protons and 14% of the   Marine Environment.”
        alphas of the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) composition in deep space that
        varies as a function of the solar cycle.
                                                                Track 8: Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis
                                                                SESSION 8-10-1: RELIABILITY METHODS I
        Track 6: Emerging Technologies                                                Thursday, November 19, 8:00am–9:30am
        SESSION 6-2-1: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING                                       361A, Convention Center
                              Monday, November 16, 10:30am–12:00pm   Frontiers in Risk and Reliability Research
                                          361A, Convention Center  (IMECE2015-54190)
        Challenges in Materials for Naval Structures in Extreme Environments   Mohammad Modarres
                                                                University of Maryland
        Yapa D. Rajapakse
                                                                Abstract: This talk will highlight current and promising research directions
        Office of Naval Reserach
                                                                that could revolutionize the fields of reliability engineering and risk
        Abstract: With the current focus on life-cycle cost reduction and enhanced   assessment. Leading topics include research on the fundamental sciences
        performance for naval structures, the Office of Naval Research supports   that underpin risk and reliability technologies, challenges in reliability of
        research in many disciplines to provide the science base for the optimum   ultra-complex systems of interacting hardware and software, utilization
        design and effective utilization of future advanced naval structures. These   and processing of large data and machine learning algorithms, advances
        structures operate in severe environments and are subjected to tempera-  in system-level prognostics and health monitoring, and new approaches to
        ture extremes, highly dynamic time-dependent three-dimensional loading,   integrate physics of failure and traditional reliability assessment methods.
        hydrostatic pressure, exposure to sea water and high levels of humidity,
                                                                Biography: Mohammad Modarres works in probabilistic risk assessment
        and ultraviolet radiation. In addition, fluid-structure coupling is an
                                                                and management, uncertainty analysis, probabilistic physics of failure, and
        important factor to be included in all aspects of analysis of ship structures.
                                                                probabilistic fracture mechanics modeling. He has served as a consultant
        The challenges associated with the development of advanced materials                                           35
                                                                or board member to several governmental agencies, including the Nuclear
        for these structures, assessment of their performance characteristics, and
                                                                Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy, National Academy of
        limits of material behavior, as well as avenues for extending these limits,
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