Page 39 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
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Track Plenary

        Biography: Gang Bao is Foyt Family Chair Professor in the Department of   and Master’s degree from the University of Saskatchewan in 2004, both
        Bioengineering, Rice University. He is director of Nanomedicine Center for   in electrical engineering.
        Nucleoprotein Machines, a NIH Nanomedicine Development Center
        (NDC), and director of the Center for Translational Cardiovascular
        Nanomedicine, a NIH/NHLBI Program of Excellence in Nanotechnology   Track 13: Micro- and Nano-Systems Engineering and Packaging
        (PEN). Dr. Bao received his undergraduate and Master’s degrees from   SESSION 13-3-2: PLENARY SESSION
        Shandong University in China, and his PhD from Lehigh University in the   Tuesday, November 17, 2015 10:30am–12:00pm
        U.S. Dr. He is a Fellow of the American Association of Advancement in                    380A, Convention Center
        Science (AAAS), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
                                                                Emerging Opportunities in MultiSensory Systems
        American Physical Society (APS), and the American Institute for Medical
        and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). Dr. Bao’s current research is focused
        on the development of nanotechnology and biomolecular engineering   Sandeep Akkaraju
        tools for biological and disease studies, including molecular beacons,
                                                                eXo Systems
        magnetic nanoparticle probes, quantum dot bioconjugates, protein
        tagging/targeting methods, and engineered nucleases including TALENs   Abstract: The combination of ubiquitous computing, pervasive networking,
        and CRISPR/Cas9 systems. These technologies have been applied to the   and sensing technologies are poised to disrupt every area of our lives
        diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and the   ranging from healthcare to transportation to communications to logistics.
        development of genome editing approaches for treating single-gene
        disorders and infectious diseases.                      MEMS and sensor technologies are going through a period of tremendous
                                                                innovation due to increased demand for multisensor integration. Fueled by
                                                                Multibillion unit demand, markets for standalone components, such as
                                                                accelerometers, gyroscopes, compasses, and microphones, are being
        Track 13: Micro- and Nano-Systems Engineering and Packaging
        SESSION 13-3-1: ELECTRONICS AND PHOTONICS PACKAGING     replaced by next-generation multisensor systems. Similarly, application of
                          Monday, November 16, 2015 10:30am–12:00pm    sensors in emerging healthcare applications require an increased number
                                          362B, Convention Center  of sensor modalities to be fused together to extract valuable vital signs,
                                                                such as glucose levels or blood pressure. Increased integration between
        Packaging Material Challenges in Geothermal and Oil/Gas Drilling   disparate sensors places new demands on both hardware and the
        Applications                                            accompanying sensor data fusion.
                                                                The talk will present trends and case studies in emergent and emerging
        Bernie Boos                                             multisensor systems. The technology trajectory of hardware progress,
        GE Oil & Gas                                            systems integration, and algorithms will be explored.
        Abstract: Downhole tools for geothermal or oil and gas applications are   Biography: Sandeep Akkaraju has built a career on the combination of
        utilizing increasing amounts of integrated electronics. There is a growing   modeling and simulation of microfabrication processes, keen insight into
        need for tools that are smaller and withstand higher operating temperature   the underlying physics of the systems and the fabrication processes, and
        at harsh shock and vibration conditions. The electronic assemblies   a knack for entrepreneurship. He received a BS in mechanical engineering
        comprising such tools are often a limiting factor. An overview of Measure-  from the Indian Institute of Technology in 1993 and joined the initial
        ment While Drilling (MWD) systems, which monitor formation properties,   microfabrication program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
        wellbore geometry, drilling system orientation, and mechanical properties   Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. Working on controlled
        during the drilling process, will be provided as an example. Such systems   electrochemical etching to sharpen high aspect ratio metal posts for AFM
        are required to continuously sustain high temperatures (150°C+), pressures   tips with Professors Michael Murphy and Ben Li, Sandeep completed his
        (20,000 psi), and shock/vibrations (500 G for 0.5 ms/20 gRMS) for   MS in mechanical engineering in 1995. He joined Intellisense, Inc., a
        thousands of hours. In this presentation, the challenges associated with   start-up developing one of the first computer-aided engineering (CAE)
        the package materials and environments will be discussed. Recent   platforms for MEMS, rising to the director of the Silicon Business Unit by
        technical trends and advancements will also be discussed.   2000, when the company was purchased by Corning for $750m. Sandeep
                                                                became the director of technology at Corning Intellisense and led their
        Biography: Bernie Boos is an electrical engineering manager of the MWD/
                                                                efforts until 2002. Sandeep continued his education by earning an MBA
        LWD group within GE Oil & Gas located in Sugar Land, TX. Previous to
                                                                from INSEAD in Paris, France, from 2002 to 2003. After completing his
        this, he worked as a design engineer in both production logging and
                                                                degree, Sandeep organized the purchase and became CEO, for Intelli-
        open-hole product lines within the oil and gas industry. This gave him
                                                                sense Software, Inc., which was purchased back from Corning. He also
        valuable experience designing electronics to withstand the high
                                                                served on the initial Industrial Advisory Board for the NSF EPSCoR Center
        temperatures commonly seen in oil wells. In the past several years with
                                                                for Bio-Modular Microsystems (CBMM) centered at LSU. In March 2008,
        GE Oil & Gas, he has been involved with the design and manufacture of
                                                                Sandeep spun Jyve, Inc. out of Intellisense and led the development of a
        Measurement While Drilling and Logging While Drilling (MWD/LWD)
                                                                novel sensor. Jyve was purchased by Fairchild Semiconductor in
        products that have given him increased insight into electronics packag-
                                                                December 2010 for $60m, and he became a VP for business development   39
        ing for higher temperature, high vibration, and high shock. Mr. Boos
                                                                and led the commercial production and rollout of the Jyve product. Over
        received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Calgary in 2001
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