Page 42 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
P. 42

Fitbit Anyone?

              At IMECE 2015, a Fitbit will be given to                           To enter, all you have to is make sure
                                                                                 you tap your official IMECE 2015
              five lucky attendees who tap their                                 badge at the four towers by the end
                                                                                 of Tuesday, November 17. The
              badge at all four conference information                           drawing will take place on
                                                                                 Wednesday, November 18. The five
              towers located in the two conference                               lucky winners will be contacted via
              venues (Hilton of the Americas and                                 email with instructions for how to
                                                                                 claim their prize. For more
              George R. Brown Convention Center).                                information, please stop by the
                                                                                 meeting information booth.

                                                 Good Luck!
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