Page 38 - ASME IMECE 2015 Program
P. 38

Track Plenary

        increases, the dislocation length and density increase. Consequently, the   Opportunities for improvement in a number of area (materials and
        number of dislocation sources and their characteristic length increase   structures used downhole, processes, etc.) will be discussed, highlighting
        which decreases the material strength. Finally, increasing the dislocation   the important role that the mechanical community has to play in further
        length and density, the dislocation interaction mechanism also becomes   enhancing hydrocarbon production from unconventional reservoirs.
        important. The coupling effects of the grain boundary types and sample
        length scale are then studied for thin films of various sizes and different   Biography: Brice Lecampion is currently a faculty member and the head of
        grain boundaries.                                       the Geo-Energy Lab at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
                                                                (EPFL), Switzerland. Prior to joining EPFL, he worked at Schlumberger in
        Although MD is very powerful to model the size effects in nanoscale   research and development from 2006 until May 2015, serving in a variety
        metallic thin films, it has both the size and time scale limitations. Another   of roles ranging from project manager to principal scientist in both Europe
        way to study the size effects in metallic samples is the strain gradient   and the United States. Dr. Lecampion received his PhD in mechanics from
        plasticity models. A coupled thermo-mechanical framework of higher-or-  Ecole Polytechnique, France in 2002 and worked as a research scientist
        der strain gradient plasticity theory is used to investigate the behavior of   in the hydraulic fracturing research group of CSIRO division of petroleum
        small-scale metallic volumes in fast transient times. Furthermore, the effect   resources (Melbourne, Australia) from 2003 to 2006. During his time in
        of temperature change due to the plastic work along with the generalized   Schlumberger R&D, he worked on problems related to the integrity of deep
        heat equation is incorporated into the formulation. Moreover, the effect of   wells, large-scale monitoring of reservoir deformation, and more specifical-
        the material microstructural interface between two materials (i.e., grain   ly, on the stimulation of oil and gas wells by hydraulic fracturing. He was
        boundary in polycrystalls) is adopted into a thermodynamic-based higher   notably recently part of a company-wide effort to significantly improve the
        order strain gradient plasticity framework. The developed grain boundary   efficiency of hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs, which
        flow rule accounts for the energy storage at the grain boundary due to the   resulted in a number of technological developments (new fluids, comple-
        dislocation pile up as well as energy dissipation caused by the dislocation   tion techniques, etc.). His current research interests cover hydraulic fracture
        transfer through the grain boundary.                    mechanics, mechanics of porous media, and dense suspensions flow.

        Track 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids   Track 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids
        SESSION 12-50-1: PLENARY SESSION                        SESSION 12-50-2: PLENARY SESSION
                          Monday, November 16, 2015 10:30am–12:00pm                   Tuesday, November 17, 3:30pm–5:00pm
                                          362A, Convention Center                                372B, Convention Center
                                                                Bioengineering and Precision Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges
        Hydraulic Fracturing for Unconventional Resources Development:
        Challenges and Opportunities for the Mechanical Community   Gang Bao
        (IMECE2015-54228)                                       Rice University

        Brice Lecampion                                         Abstract: With the recent development of precision medicine, there are
        Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)         new opportunities for researchers in mechanics and bioengineering.
                                                                Precision medicine is an innovative approach to disease prevention and
        Abstract: Oil and gas production from unconventional reservoirs (i.e., tight)   treatment that takes into account differences in individuals’ genes,
        now accounts for about half of the total U.S. hydrocarbon production from   environments, and lifestyles, leading to a transformation in the way we can
        essentially zero ten years ago. Such a drastic increase in production from   treat diseases such as cancer. In particular, a tremendous amount of
        unconventional resources was made possible by combining horizontal   genomic information has accumulated over the last few decades, thanks
        drilling and hydraulic fracturing. More than 15,000 horizontal wells per year   to the Human Genome Project. We now have the ability to decipher the
        have been drilled and hydraulically fractured in unconventional reservoirs   information stored in genomes and precisely modify them. We also have
        (oil and gas) since the mid-2000s. It is typical to design for 60–100   unprecedented opportunities to engineer micro-devices and cellular
        hydraulic fractures to be placed over a well length of about 5,000 ft (with   machines for understanding and treating diseases using an individual’s
        spacing between fractures of 30–100 ft). In order to reduce operations   genomic information and cells.
        cost, the completion of the well is performed in “stages,” with one
        pumping stage aiming at placing a number of hydraulic fractures simulta-  In this talk I will discuss new opportunities and challenges in mechanics
        neously (typically, between 2 and 6). Although, such a “plug & perf”   and bioengineering as related to precision medicine. Examples will be
        multistages completion technique has allowed tremendous cost savings,   given to illustrate the important roles engineers can play in developing
        its overall efficiency and robustness remains doubtful: about 30–40% of   precision medicine, including tumor-on-a-chip approaches for understand-
        the fractures are typically found not contributing to well production at all.   ing cancer biology and improving cancer treatment, generation of
        In this talk, we will review the basics of hydraulic fracturing operations and   patient-matched cardiomyocytes for repairing damaged heart tissue, and
        its mechanical modeling (e.g., viscosity versus toughness dominated   the use of genome editing for treating beta-hemoglobinopathies. The
        regime of propagation of hydraulic fractures, fracture height containment,   potential applications of mechanics-based tools in precision medicine, and
   38   etc.). We will then present theoretical and field evidence of the difficulties   interdisciplinary education and training issues in mechanical engineering
        associated with multistage plug & perf fracturing as it is performed today.   will also be discussed.
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