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Track Plenary

        Track 3: Biomedical and Biotechnology Engineering       Nanomedicine at The Houston Methodist Research Institute, where he
        SESSION 3-1-1: PLENARY SESSION                          serves as co-chair of the Department of Nanomedicine, director of the
                              Monday, November 16, 10:30am–12:00pm   Center for Biomimetic Medicine, and director of the Surgical Advanced
                                          360F, Convention Center  Technology Lab. Dr. Tasciotti directs a large research operation, with 25
        Engineering Biomimetic Nanomaterials to Overcome Limitations in   research staff and trainees involved in the development of innovative
        Drug Delivery and Regenerative Medicine                 nanotechnology platforms and biomaterials for drug delivery and
        (IMECE2015-54193)                                       regenerative medicine. He is an inventor on six U.S. patents, serves as
                                                                reviewer for more than 30 scientific journals, and was invited to speak at
        Ennio Tasciotti                                         more than 100 international meetings. He served from 2010 to 2012 as the
        The Methodist Hospital Research Institute               president of the council of reviewers for the Italian Ministry of Health and is
                                                                a regular member of the National Institute of Health, U.S. Department of
        Abstract: Progress in cancer treatment has been limited by the absence of   Defense and NCI study sections. Description of Research: Biomimetic
        effective approaches to achieve selective delivery of drugs to the tumor   materials to improve tissue regeneration and modulate the immune
        while sparing other tissues. This disconnect is rooted in the inefficient   response, bio-inspired delivery platforms for the targeting of inflammation,
        delivery of imaging and therapeutic agents to the tumor site upon   nanostructured hydrogels for the localized sustained release of clinically
        systemic delivery. It is possible to modulate the behavior of biological   approved drugs, and development of new surgical procedures and
        barriers to our advantage without disrupting them and that nanoparticles   clinical approaches using nanotherapeutics. Dr. Tasciotti has trained 15
        can be engineered to interact with their living counterpart’s, not through   undergraduates, 20 PhD students, 27 Postdoctoral fellows, and three
        physical means but speaking their same language, following their same   medical residents in his career. He currently serves as director of the
        molecular codes, cellular pathways, and physiologic regulation. We   Center for Biomimetic Medicine at the Houston Methodist Research
        addressed particle synthesis and modification (coating and assembly),   Institute and as director of the Center for Surgical Advanced Technology
        escape from the lysosomal pathways (intracellular and intercellular   at the Methodist Hospital.
        trafficking mechanisms), reduced opsonization and phagocytosis, and
        increased endothelial penetration (through the mimicking of cell behavior).
        Similarly, tissue engineering holds the promise of improving the outcome
        of many chronic conditions through advances in biomimetic materials. With   Understanding the Mechanobiology of Continuous Positive Airway
        the advent of nanostructured scaffolds, the regenerative potential of stem   Pressure in the Premature Lung: Implications for Pediatric Asthma
        cells can be now harnessed to its full extent. We developed and charac-  (IMECE2015-53837)
        terized new biomimetic materials for use in tissue engineering, including   Y.S. Prakash
        both implantable constructs and injectable formulations with high
                                                                Mayo College of Medicine
        regenerative potential containing molecular and topographical cues able
        to instruct and guide immune and stem cells toward intended phenotypes.   Abstract: Throughout life, lung function is inextricably linked to dynamic
        We investigated, in particular, the role of macrophages in wound healing   cyclical stretching of cells and matrices induced by breathing, which affect
        and tissue repair and developed materials with the unique ability to induce   lung development, growth and remodeling. Here, bronchial airway cells
        a macrophage switch from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory   undergo cyclical stretch via tethering parenchyma. Such mechanobiologi-
        phenotype. By tuning the inflammatory response following implantation,   cal effects are thought to be important in the structural changes seen in
        we yielded functional restoration of the tissue without the use of any   diseases such as asthma and pulmonary fibrosis. In this regard, wheezing
        additional bioactive molecule or growth factor.         disorders including asthma are the major source of respiratory morbidity in
                                                                former preterm infants. Clinical interventions in the neonatal ICU such as
        Biography: Dr. Tasciotti’s background is in molecular biology, and he
                                                                hyperoxia and positive pressure mechanical ventilation to maintain
        received a PhD in molecular medicine. In 2006, he moved to the depart-
                                                                oxygenation are thought to be contributory due to detrimental stretching
        ment of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Texas and laid the
                                                                and damage of fragile lung alveoli. A fundamental clinical practice change
        groundwork of two nanotechnology platforms: protein nanochips for the
                                                                has been the use of non-invasive nasal continuous positive airway
        early detection of diseases and multistage nanoporous silicon particles for
                                                                pressure (CPAP), with/without hyperoxia. While CPAP is beneficial in the
        the targeted delivery of therapeutics (selected as one of the “Five big
                                                                immediate neonatal period, it is unknown whether the initial mechanical
        ideas for nanotechnology” by Nature Medicine in 2008.) In 2008, Dr.
                                                                stretch imposed on the immature airway by CPAP has detrimental
        Tasciotti was appointed assistant professor in the first Department of
                                                                long-term consequences (akin to mechanical ventilation). While breath-
        Nanomedicine of a U.S. medical school (University of Texas Medical
                                                                ing-induced stretch per se aids lung growth, it is entirely possible that the
        School). There, he conceived and coordinated the research project: “BioN-
                                                                combination of CPAP-induced static stretch and hyperoxia promotes
        anoScaffold for post-traumatic osteo-regeneration,” to develop multifunc-
                                                                detrimental airway remodeling in prematurity, leading to a thicker, stiffer
        tional biomaterials that provide immediate mechanical stabilization to bone
                                                                airway, predisposing the growing neonate to wheezing and asthma. In this
        fractures and promote bone tissue regeneration. The project was funded
                                                                talk emerging work will be presented highlighting two mechanosensitive
        with $8M by the Fracture Putty program of the Defense Advanced
                                                                pathways (caveolae/caveolin-1 and Wnt/?-catenin) that contribute to such
        Research Project Agency and involved over 60 investigators from multiple
                                                                detrimental effects. These mechanisms, particularly in the presence of
        institutions over the course of the last five years. Dr. Tasciotti just received
                                                                hyperoxia, facilitate cell proliferation and extracellular matrix (ECM)
        a $6M grant from the Department of Defense to formalize the clinical                                           33
                                                                formation/fibrosis though important pathways that are also key to
        translation of this technology. In 2010, he joined the Department of
                                                                embryonic lung development and adult pulmonary fibrosis. Furthermore,
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