Page 18 - ASME_IMECE_2015_Program
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Special Events SUNDAY
Sunday, November 15
Exhibit Hall, Grand Ballroom, Hilton of the Americas
All registrants are invited to this special event to celebrate the opening of the IMECE exhibits. Come grab a drink and some food, meet this year’s
group of exhibitors, and learn about their products and services.
1:30pm–2:30pm 2:00pm–4:00pm
338, Hilton of the Americas 340A, Hilton of the Americas
Description: Join us for a presentation by Mark Rosheim on Leonardo Da Title: Succession Planning for a Successful Future
Vinci’s programmable automaton, an early 16th century robot which may
have been the basis of his robot Lion. Powered by large springs and Panelists: Urmila Ghia, Ph.D., professor of Mechanical Engineering at
controlled by rotating cams, the user would “program” the robot by University of Cincinnati; Amos Holt, Ph.D., VP of Southwest Research
selecting the size and location of each cam allowing the robot to stop, Institute Quality Systems, ASME Past President; Daniel Kearney, Ph.D.,
start, turn and possibly operate additional features. Rosheim will also Senior Scientist at ABB (Corporate Research Centre, Switzerland); Laurel
relate working with his mentor Carlo Pedretti, the world’s foremost Raso, Managing Director of Human and Capital Resources for ASME
Leonardo scholar, and his many amusing snafus with Italian culture!
Description: One of the most important roles leaders have is preparing for
a future when they will no longer be leading. At all levels of an organiza-
Biography: Mark Rosheim is founder and president of Ross-Hime Designs, tion or business, succession planning is essential to ensuring leadership
Inc. RHD has researched and developed robotic technology for the U.S. continuity during times of transition. This workshop will help you work
Department of Defense, NASA, and industry for over 25 years. In 1997 he through the succession planning process, from assessing leadership
coined the term Anthrobotics from the words anthropomorphic and needs and identifying potential leaders to developing leadership
robotics to describe the latest generation of humanoid robots he has competencies and forging your own path ahead. Panelists will share
pioneered through numerous government contracts.
valuable insights and lessons learned from their own experience, both
professionally and in ASME.
Rosheim will be presented with ASME’s 2015 Engineer-Historian Award at
the Old Guard/Engineer Historian Award Reception at the IMECE on Sat.,
Nov. 14.
FIRST-TIME ATTENDEES ORIENTATION Exhibit Hall, Grand Ballroom, Hilton of the Americas
2:00pm–3:00pm Poster Setup: 3:00 pm–5:00pm
382AB, Convention Center
Expo (General Viewing): 6:00pm–7:30pm
First-time attendees to IMECE are cordially invited to this informal yet Winners Announced: 7:30 pm–8:00pm
informative session to learn about how to navigate the conference, how to
use the program, and more importantly, where all the best networking The Student Expo provides undergraduate engineering students with a
opportunities are. Snacks and refreshments will be served. professional and technical forum for presenting their research, design
project, and other engineering solutions and endeavors to top research-
ers and scientists from academia, industry, government, prospective
employers, entrepreneurs graduate schools, and potential faculty