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MONDAY Special Events
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Description: One of the most important roles leaders have is preparing for a
future when they will no longer be leading. At all levels of an organization or
business, succession planning is essential to ensuring leadership continuity
ROBERT HENRY THURSTON LECTURE during times of transition. This workshop will help you work through the
10:00am–12:00pm succession planning process, from assessing leadership needs and
Room: 381B, Convention Center identifying potential leaders, to developing leadership competencies and
Title: Ten Years of Progress in Experimental Nanomechanics Applied to forging your own path ahead. Panelists will share valuable insights and
1D and 2D Materials. lessons learned from their own experience, both professionally and in ASME.
Horacio D. Espinosa, Ph.D., Northwestern University PRESIDENT’S LUNCHEON
Presenter Biography: Dr. Horacio D. Espinosa is the James and Nancy Grand Ballroom AB, Hilton of the Americas
Farley professor of manufacturing and entrepreneurship, director of the PER BRUEL GOLD MEDAL FOR NOISE CONTROL AND ACOUSTICS
Institute for Cellular Engineering Technologies and director of the David T. Blackstock, Ph.D.
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Program at the McCormick School of The University of Texas at Austin
Engineering and Applied Sciences at Northwestern University (Evanston,
Ill.). Prior to joining the faculty at Northwestern in 2000, he was with NANCY DELOYE FITZROY AND ROLAND V. FITZROY MEDAL
Purdue University (West Lafayette, Ind.). George W. Sutton., Ph.D., Member
10:00am–12:00pm Andy Walker, Ph.D., Member
340A, Hilton of the Americas National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Title: Succession Planning for a Successful Future
Panelists: Urmila Ghia, Ph.D., professor of Mechanical Engineering at Thomas D. Gillespie, Ph.D., Member
University of Cincinnati; Amos Holt, Ph.D., VP of Southwest Research Mechanical Simulation Corporation
Institute Quality Systems, ASME Past President; Daniel Kearney, Ph.D.,
Senior Scientist at ABB (Corporate Research Centre, Switzerland); Laurel FRANK KREITH ENERGY AWARD
Raso, Managing Director of Human and Capital Resources for ASME Michael Webber, Ph.D., Fellow
The University of Texas at Austin
Monday, November 16
8:30 am–10:00am (breakfast served from 8:00am to 8:30am)
Ballroom of the Americas DEF, Hilton of the Americas
Keynote Speaker: William E. Cohn, MD
Presenter Biography: William E. “Billy” Cohn, MD, is director of the Center for Technology and Innovation; associate director of Laboratory Surgery
Research in the Center for Cardiac Support; and director of the Cullen Cardiovascular Research Laboratory at the Texas Heart Institute. He is also
a professor of surgery at Baylor College of Medicine and an adjunct professor of bioengineering at both Rice University and the University of
His major research interests include the development of new technology for decreasing the invasiveness of cardiac and vascular surgery, and
development of the continuous-flow totally implantable artificial heart. In 2011, Dr. Cohn and Dr. O. H. Frazier successfully implanted the first
pulseless total heart replacement device in a human patient.
Dr. Cohn has a passion for medical device development and has more than 90 U.S. patents granted or pending, and another 60 international
patents for his medical innovations. His numerous awards include an honorary doctorate in science from Oberlin College, the Distinguished
Scientist Award, given by the MacDonald Fund, and the Edison Award for excellence in human-centered design and innovation for inventing the
SentreHEART® Lariat® Suture Delivery Device.
In 2000, Dr. Cohn was named the distinguished Inventor of the Year by the U.S. Intellectual Property Owners Association and in 2014, he was
named Outstanding Inventor of the Year by the Houston IPO. In addition, in 2014 he received an award for the most Innovative Medical Device
Startup of the year at the Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions Conference in Tel Aviv for inventing the TVA Everlinq system for percutane- 21
ous creation of AV fistulas and for founding TVA Medical. In 2015, he was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award for healthcare innovation by the
Houston Technology Center. He is a venture partner at Sante Health Ventures, and chief medical officer of BiVACOR Inc., and Reliant Heart.