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Special Events TUESDAY
in the United States, Europe and Asia, and was named Midwest Mechanics WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18
Lecturer for 2006-2007 and Southwest Mechanics Lecturer for 2007-
2008. He received the Young Investigator Award from the National
Science Foundation (NSF) in 1994, Charles Lee Powell Award in 1997, the NSF ENGINEERING INFORMATION SESSION (CMMI, CBET & IIP)
Young Investigator Prize from the Society of Engineering Science (SES) in 1:00pm–2:30pm
2004, the Special Achievements Award in Applied Mechanics from the 381AB, Convention Center
American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 2004, and the Best Paper Description: This session will present an opportunity for NSF stakeholders
Award in the area of Active Materials from the American Society of to learn about the Foundation and interactively discuss pressing issues
Mechanical Engineers in 2005. He has been an Editor of the Journal of with representatives from the NSF Directorate for Engineering (NSF/ENG).
the Mechanics and Physics of Solids since 2004. He has graduated 24 Representatives will present a brief overview of NSF and highlight ongoing
doctoral students and mentored 22 postdoctoral scholars, 25 of whom initiatives within the NSF Directorate for Engineering and their respective
currently hold faculty positions at universities around the world. divisions. Following their short presentation, they will lead an extended
discussion with session attendees on a wide array of topics presently
facing NSF/ENG. Topics for discussion may include managing the number
ADVANCED ENERGY SYSTEMS DIVISION RECEPTION of proposal submissions, assessment and evaluation of NSF- funded
Sponsored by: Advanced Energy Systems Division research programs, and methods to support small-team and interdisciplin-
5:30pm–7:30pm ary research. An overarching goal of the session will be to discuss ways in
Ballroom of the Americas A, Hilton of the Americas which the ASME community and NSF/ENG can work together to strength-
en the broader mechanical engineering community.
Deborah Goodings
Division Director
Sponsored by: Fluids Engineering Division
6:30pm–8:30pm Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI)
Grand Ballroom A, Hilton of the Americas
Biography: Deborah J. Goodings is director of the Division of Civil,
Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation in the Directorate for Engineer-
ing at the National Science Foundation. She is on leave from her position
as Dewberry Chair Professor of Civil Engineering, and Chairman of the
APPLIED MECHANICS DIVISION HONORS & AWARDS BANQUET Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering at
George Mason University. Before joining George Mason, Goodings held a
Sponsored by: Applied Mechanics Division
6:30pm–9:30pm faculty appointment in the Department of Civil and Environmental
Grand Ballroom B, Hilton of the Americas Engineering at the University of Maryland for nearly 30 years. She
co-founded and co-directed the UMD Master of Engineering and Public
Tickets: $90
Policy program with the School of Public Policy and was the founding
faculty advisor of the university’s hugely successful chapter of Engineers
Without Borders-USA. An endowed chair was established in her honor
ELECTRONIC AND PHOTONIC PACKAGING DIVISION WINE AND upon her departure from the University of Maryland. Goodings has held
CHEESE RECEPTION leadership positions in professional societies, and served on university
Sponsored by: Electronics and Photonics Packaging Division and agency visiting committees that draw on her research and education
7:00pm–9:00pm expertise, including National Research Council committees and boards.
Ballroom of the Americas B, Hilton of the Americas She has been recognized by the Transportation Research Board with the
Fred Burggraf Award, and by the Department of the Army with the
Outstanding Civilian Service Medal. Goodings is a Fellow of the American
Society of Civil Engineers, and a registered professional engineer.
Division Description: CMMI supports fundamental research and education
directed at advances in civil, mechanical, industrial, and manufacturing
engineering and materials design, with an additional focus on reducing
risks and damage from earthquakes and other natural and technological
hazards. These investments are leading to advances that promote the
global competitiveness of the nation’s manufacturing sector; enhance the
sustainability and resiliency of the nation’s civil infrastructure; and improve
the economics of the nation’s health care system.