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MONDAY Special Events
Sponsored by: Committee on Honors
Monday, November 16
Ballroom of the Americas Foyer, Hilton of the Americas
All registered attendees are invited to attend this reception and meet this year’s Honors Awards Recipients.
Monday, November 16
Ballroom of the Americas ABC, Hilton of the Americas
All registered attendees are cordially invited to attend the 2015 ASME Honors Assembly. This multimedia program celebrates some of today’s
leading engineers, educators, entrepreneurs, and innovators. This year’s Honors Awards Recipients are:
James R. Rice, Ph.D., Fellow James A. Thomas
Harvard University ASTM International
For seminal contributions in the field of applied mechanics, particularly For extraordinary leadership, and achievements on multiple fronts, to
the J-integral method in elastic-plastic fracture mechanics that has been ensure voluntary consensus standards developed by ASTM and ASME
broadly applied in mechanical engineering and related disciplines. continue to be afforded fair treatment as international standards under
the World Trade Organization’s Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement;
HONORARY MEMBER thus facilitating the ability for national regulatory authorities and global
Romesh C. Batra, Ph.D., Fellow industries to select ASME standards as their standard of choice.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
For the outstanding mentoring of more than 100 graduate students and David Dornfeld, Ph.D., Fellow
postdoctoral fellows; and for pioneering work in applied mechanics, including University of California, Berkeley
rubber-covered rolls, nonlinear elasticity, laminated plates, functionally graded
structures, instabilities in micro-electro-mechanical systems, mechanical For outstanding contributions to manufacturing research and its
characterization of carbon nanotubes, and adiabatic shear banding. implementation in industry through the pioneering development of life
cycle analysis tools to quantify the environmental impacts of the
HONORARY MEMBER manufacturing supply chain; and for leadership in U.S. research in
Wilbur J. (Webb), Ph.D., Fellow sustainable manufacturing.
University of California, Los Angeles
For significant contributions to the mechanical engineering profession Freeman A. Hrabowski III, Ph.D.
through research in enhanced heat transfer, gas-side fouling, and University of Maryland, Baltimore County
process engineering; outstanding teaching and student mentoring;
and extensive, exemplary professional service. For tireless efforts as a global advocate for science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics, engaging the general public, lawmak-
HONORARY MEMBER ers, funding agencies, and foundations to create opportunities for
Terry E. Shoup, Ph.D., Fellow minorities in STEM fields to achieve the socioeconomic and intellectu-
Santa Clara University al integration essential for innovative, democratic societies.
For distinctive career contributions as a researcher and educator, and GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE GOLD MEDAL
through service to the engineering profession as exemplified by Karen A. Thole, Ph.D., Fellow
leadership positions in various engineering societies. Pennsylvania State University
KATE GLEASON AWARD For outstanding contributions toward better cooling of gas turbine
F. Suzanne Jenniches airfoils, particularly the discovery of a leading-edge fillet to reduce vor-
Retired, Northrop Grumman Corporation tices in airfoil passages and the development of physics-based
correlations used by industry for predicting microchannel cooling and
For outstanding leadership in manufacturing innovation; for setting the film cooling.
highest standards of excellence in producibility engineering; and for
tireless efforts to increase women’s participation in STEM careers.