Page 13 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
P. 13


Poster presentations will be held at the following times:

Sunday, November 10
Halls A & B, Salt Palace Convention Center

Undergraduate Research and Design Expo Student Poster Competition

Poster Setup:            1:00PM–4:00PM

Judging:                 4:00PM–6:15PM

Expo (General Viewing):  5:30PM–7:00PM

Winners Announced:       6:15PM–6:30PM

People’s Choice Award                                                                             PHOTOGRAPHY
Vote for your favorite poster on Sunday, November 10, from 5:30-7:00PM and Monday,
November 11, from 12:00–1:00pm. Look for the voting stations near the poster section in           ASME has retained the services
Exhibit Halls A&B. All posters (Undergraduate Research and Design Expo Student Poster             of a photographer to capture
Competition, NSF Student Competition, and Virtual Podium) will be considered! Two winners         photo images of the events and
will each receive $500. Winners will be notified following the 1:00PM drawing on Monday and        activities from the conference.
must be available 1:30–3:00PM for an interview as well as present at the Annual Awards Dinner     The photographer will be taking
in the evening.                                                                                   photos as assigned by the ASME
                                                                                                  Communications Department.
Poster Setup:             1:00PM–4:00PM                                                           All photographs are the sole
Voting:                   5:30PM–7:00PM – Sunday                                                  property of ASME, and ASME
                         12:00PM–1:00PM – Monday                                                  retains all rights in and to said
                                                                                                  photographs. These photographs
Wednesday, November 13                                                                            may be used for promotional
12:00PM–2:30PM                                                                                    purposes only, including, but
Halls A & B, Salt Palace Convention Center                                                        not limited to, the ASME website.
                                                                                                  If you require more information
NSF Student Competition (Posters Only)                                                            about the use of IMECE
                                                                                                  photographs, please go to
*Poster Setup                  9:00AM–10:00AM                                                     the media desk at Conference
Judging                  10:30AM–1:45PM

General Viewing          12:00PM–2:30PM

Awards                         1:45PM–2:15PM

Virtual Podium (Posters Only)

*Poster Setup                  9:00AM–10:00AM

Judging                  10:30AM–1:45PM

General Viewing          12:00PM–2:30PM

If you are participating in the People’s Choice Poster Award contest, you must set up your
poster on Sunday, November 10, from 1:00–4:00PM.


Room 253B on the second floor of the Salt Palace Convention Center is exclusively for those
who need to pray in between sessions. There will be dividers in the room to create a semi-
private space.


According to ASME’s Conference Presenter Policy, if a paper is not presented at the
Conference by a fully registered author of the paper, the paper cannot be published in the
official archival Proceedings, which are published on The ASME Digital Collection post-
conference. Papers not presented at the conference cannot be cited.

PUBLICATIONS: IMECE2019 CONFERENCE PAPERS AND                                                     SOCIAL MEDIA                       xi
                                                                                                  Let’s be social! We encourage you
Technical papers accepted for publication for IMECE2019 will be available through a dedicated     to use the hashtag #IMECE2019
Online Papers site available to all fully paid attendees beginning a week before the conference.  to tag your social media posts
                                                                                                  and photos throughout the
    • Post-conference, an ISO batch file and two zip files will be made available on the Online     conference.
       Papers site so that users can download to their personal computer systems.
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