Page 10 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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ADDITIONAL APP                                           ASME (BOOTH 309)
                                                                  Two Park Avenue
       DOWNLOADING THE APP                                         New York, NY 10016-5990 USA
                                                                  +1 800-THE-ASME
       1. Go to your app store. Search                            (800-843-2763)
           for CrowdCompass                             
           AttendeeHub and install it.
                                           ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge
       Note: If you are using a            sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward
       Blackberry, Windows phone,          a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and
       an Android version older than 6.0,  livelihoods. Founded in 1880 by a small group of leading industrialists, ASME has grown
       or iOS older than version 10,       through the decades to include more than 140,000 members in 151 countries
       you will need to use the web
       version of the app found here:      For more than 100 years, ASME has successfully enhanced performance and safety worldwide          through its renowned codes and standards, conformity assessment programs, training courses,
                                           and journals.
       2. After installing, the
           AttendeeHub icon will appear    ASME also produces nearly 40 international conferences. These industry-leading events
           on your home screen.            feature advanced research and technical content spanning a range of industries impacted
                                           by mechanical engineering, including energy production, energy sources, advanced
       3. Search the AttendeeHub for       manufacturing, and engineering sciences.
           imece2019 and download it.
                                           While at IMECE, please take time to visit the ASME booth in the Exhibit Halls A & B on the first
       4. Tap the name of the event to     floor of the Salt Palace Convention Center for information about ASME’s Transactions Journals,
           open it.                        conference proceedings, ASME Press Books, Codes & Standards, and Catalogs. Representatives
                                           from ASME Publications, Sales, and Membership will be present to answer your questions.
                                           ASME CROWD COMPASS ATTENDEE HUB APP
       1. Enter your first and last name
          where prompted, then tap         Download the ASME Crowd Compass Attendee Hub App and hold the entire program in the
          Next. Enter an email address     palm at your hand! The ASME Crowd Compass Attendee Hub App allows you to easily look up
          where you’d like your            sessions, search for papers or people, message with other attendees, and create your own
          verification email sent, then     schedule. Be sure to download the app for the latest information and chances to win prizes.
          tap Next one more time.
                                           ASME GIVE BACK PROJECT
       2. Retrieve your six-digit
           verification code from your      Whether it’s a day of appointments or an inpatient stay, waiting
           email.                          long hours in the hospital can take a toll on families. The Ronald
                                           McDonald Hospitality Cart hopes to make the long hours a little
       3. Enter the code in the app.       easier. This program aims to provide needed resources and
                                           comfort items to families directly in patient rooms and waiting areas. The Hospitality Cart can
viii                                       be found rolling through the halls stocked with hygiene and comfort items, a selection of
                                           healthy snacks, family-centered activities, games, and craft kits. These items are delivered with
                                           lots of love and a smile by their caring volunteers and staff.

                                           Please consider donating any of the following items to make a real difference in families’ lives.
                                           Collection boxes will be located at the registration desks in both the convention center
                                           and the Marriott Hotel. To learn more about the Ronald McDonald House Charities, please

                                           Individual Snacks       Hygiene Products (travel size)  Entertainment
                                           Granola & Protein Bars  Shampoo & Conditioner           Coloring Books & Crayons
                                           Apple Sauce             Toothpaste & Toothbrushes       Children’s Books
                                           Trail Mix               Deodorant                       Card Games
                                           Crackers & Pretzels     Lotion & Hand Sanitizer         Individual Toys & Games
                                           Oatmeal                 Soap/Shower Gel                 Journals/Notebooks

                                           Goldfish Crackers        Baby Wipes                      Colored Pencils


                                           SPEAKERS’ PRACTICE ROOM
                                           Room 253A on the second floor of the Salt Palace Convention Center is the Authors’/Speakers’
                                           Practice Room. The schedule is Monday–Thursday, November 11–14, 7:00AM–5:00PM. The
                                           room is equipped with two (2) LCD projectors, (2) laptop computers, and two (2) screens for
                                           authors/speakers to practice their presentations.
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