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ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE),
November 10–14, 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Dear Distinguished Attendees: on Climate Change and Innovative Paths to a
Sustainable Future. Our series concludes with the
Welcome to the ASME 2019 International Mechanical Closing Keynote (Thursday lunch) by Barbara Humpton,
Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) at Salt Siemens USA CEO. Her presentation will be on
Lake City, Utah. We are excited about bringing together Expanding What's Humanly Possible: The Real Purpose
the International Mechanical Engineering community of Digital Technology. The Track Plenary Series will start
from academia, industry, and government to share on Monday and continue on Tuesday and Wednesday.
advances in fundamental and applied research as well Invited and contributed podium presentations will be
as innovation in education and technology. The 2019 held in parallel sessions from Monday through
conference includes 18 Technical Tracks with over 2,400 Thursday.
podium presentations and posters spanning a broad
range of mechanical engineering interests relevant The National Science Foundation continues to support
around the globe, from scientific research to education, of IMECE by holding the CBET/CMMI Info Session, the
to leadership development, to inspiring the next One-on-One Session with NSF Program Directors, and
generation of mechanical engineers and scientists to the Workshop on Proposal Development. The NSF is
contribute to our society. The IMECE technical program funding the CBET/CMMI Student Competition with
is a grass-root effort forged by remarkable volunteer more than 200 applications from current CBET/CMMI
contributions and supported by a formidable ASME staff. graduate and undergraduate students All posters will
This conference is also the convergence point for our be showcased during the general Poster Session on
mechanical engineering community, where together, we Wednesday during lunchtime addressing conference-
celebrate our accomplishments; we recognize our wide areas of scientific research.
achievements, and we strategically plan for our future.
IMECE will also host many events for ASME divisions
IMECE 2019 technical program will start on Sunday, and committees, including the ME Department Heads
November 10 with the Opening Reception and Forum, Congress-Wide Symposia, the Heat Transfer
Conference Exhibit at 5:30 pm. Everybody is cordially Honors and Awards Luncheon and the Applied
invited to participate. Collocated with the reception we Mechanics Dinner among others. It will also host the
will host the Undergraduate Research and Design Expo inaugural Richard J. Goldstein Energy Lecture Award
that includes Student Design and Poster Competitions. as a Special Keynote by Dr. Steven Chu. Special events
Keynotes, Plenaries, and Technical sessions are tightly for the 2019 include a new format for the Annual Award
scheduled from Monday morning to Thursday afternoon. Banquet (formally denominated as Honors Assembly) on
Monday; a Career Fair on Saturday co-organized with
We are delighted to feature three Keynote Presentations the ASME student chapters from the University of Utah,
this year. We start our series with the Kick-off Keynote Brigham Young University, and Utah State University;
(Monday breakfast) by Laura McGill, Vice President of the People’s Choice Award Poster Competition on
Engineering for Raytheon Missile Systems. Her talk will Sunday; the Early Career Program on Monday; and the
be on Converging Technology and Engineering to Meet Student Day and Networking event on Tuesday.
Changing Global Needs. We continue the series with the
Special Keynote (Tuesday breakfast) by Dr. Steven Chu, On behalf of the entire Conference Steering Committee,
William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Physics Professor of we thank all our mechanical engineering community for
Molecular & Cellular Physiology Stanford University the exemplary dedication, passion and effort to make
iv Medical School, Former U.S. Secretary of Energy and IMECE an open forum discussion, learning, and
Nobel Prize in Physics Co-Recipient. His lecture will be professional growth and development. A very special