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Kilas Kinerja                     Laporan Manajemen                 Profil Perusahaan
                     Performance Highlights            Management Report                 Company Profile

             Mata Acara                               Hasil Pemungutan Suara                 Keterangan
             Agenda                                   Voting Result                          Description
               Regarding the Additional Share Capital Deposit,
               an additional Rp4,000,000,000 (four billion Rupiah)
               has been submitted which will be subscribed to by:
               (i) Rp1,600,000,000 (one billion six hundred million
               Rupiah) by Mengky Mangarek, (ii) Rp1,600,000,000
               (one billion six hundred million Rupiah) by
               Eveline Natalia Susanto, (iii) Rp400,000,000 (four
               hundred million Rupiah) by Hillary Josephine, and
               (iv) Rp400,000,000 (four hundred million Rupiah)
               by Allen Feliciano.

             3.  Kerjasama dengan: (i) Alfamart, (ii) Indomaret,   Agar Direksi PT MMI senantiasa menjaga  Telah terlaksana
               dan (iii) Superindo telah dijalin dengan baik dan   kegiatan operasional dengan pihak-pihak yang  Has been

               merupakan pendapatan usaha yang signifikan   telah disebutkan. |  The Board of Directors of  implemented
               terhadap PT MMI. | Cooperation with: (i) Alfamart,   PT  MMI  needs  to  always  maintain  operational
               (ii) Indomaret, and (iii) Superindo has been well   activities with the parties mentioned.
               established and is a significant operating income
               for PT MMI.

             4.  PT MMI belum dapat melakukan pembagian   Perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan terlebih dahulu  Telah terlaksana
               Dividen  untuk  Tahun  Buku  2021  mengingat   secara internal untuk tahun buku 2021 dan  Has been
               masih belum dilakukannya pencatatan dalam   dilanjutkan oleh KAP yang ditunjuk oleh PT MMI  implemented
               Laporan Keuangan per 31 Desember 2021     di  kemudian  hari,  untuk  sementara  terhadap
               (in house/audited) |  PT MMI has not been able   laba ditahan maka agar dilakukan penyerapan
               to distribute dividends for the Fiscal Year 2021   kepada modal untuk operasional PT MMI. |  It is
               considering that it has not yet been recorded in   necessary to carry out an internal audit for the
               the Financial Statements as of December 31, 2021   fiscal year 2021, and continue it with an audit
               (in house/audited)                     carried out by the KAP appointed by PT MMI, for
                                                      the time being, regarding retained earnings, the
                                                      capital shall be absorbed for PT MMI’s operations.

             5.  PT  MMI  merencanakan  akan  melakukan  Ekspansi usaha dalam bentuk perolehan izin  Telah terlaksana
               ekspansi usaha mengingat PT MMI tidak bisa   dari  negeri  Korea  agar  dapat  direalisasikan  Has been
               mengandalkan kondisi Covid-19 mengingat   mengingat  terdapat  pangsa  pasar  yang  implemented
               kondisi PPKM telah menjadi “new normal” |   menjanjikan  terhadap  produk-produk
               PT MMI plans to expand its business since PT   yang didistribusikan oleh PT MMI. |  Business
               MMI cannot rely on the Covid-19 condition   expansion in the form of obtaining a permit
               considering  that  PPKM  has  become  a   from the Korean government should be
               “new normal”                           realized  considering  that  there is a  promising
                                                      market share for the products distributed by
                                                      PT MMI.

             6.  Pencadangan  Laba  sebanyak  20%  (dua  puluh   Pencadangan laba sebesar 20% (dua puluh  Telah terlaksana
               persen) akan dibentuk oleh Direksi PT MMI |   persen)  agar  dapat  ditindaklanjuti  oleh  Has been
               Provision of Profit of 20% (twenty percent) will   Direksi PT MMI. | Provision of profit of 20% (twenty  implemented
               be  established  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of    percent) so that it can be followed up by the
               PT MMI.                                Board of Directors of PT MMI.

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